Counselling Methods

The human being is known to be a complex being whose existence is influenced by diverse spheres both internally and externally. However, even as he exists in planet earth, he faces various challenges that result in shaping his character and behaviour. These challenges are both from within and without his environment. The occurrences of circumstances in his life contribute to the growth and development of his personality. His psychological processes, a vital component of determining his well being,...

Controversy of Repressed Memory

The subsistence of recovered repressed memories has not been widely accepted by majority of the psychologists neither explicitly verified to exist. Skeptics have presented convincing and forceful arguments in this regard. According to some extreme skeptical claims, no convincing scientific support exists for the philosophy of repressed or recovered memory. They further argued that no confirm cases of repressed memories has yet been reported. According to a research report, there must be a distinction...

Development of the concept of love in Freud

Despite the fact that love is regarded as a universal experience, theres no known standard definition that can incorporate all the aspects of love. Freuds postulations portray love as an aim or objective-inhibited libido. In this perception, love is described as libido where the sexual feelings have been concealed due to the forbidden means of their fulfillment. The many research methods and theories used by Freud have always drawn controversies from various quarters since most of his research findings...

Wild life Extinction

The survey was conducted on grassland passerines in summer of year 1995 on the Buffalo Ridge Wind Resource Area that is located in south-west of Minnesota (Leddy et al., 1999). Its aim was to examine the behavioral effect of wind turbines present there on population sizes of highland nesting bird species in Conservative Reserve Program (CRP) grasslands. The behavior of bird species was examined along forty meter transects that were adjacent to wind turbine strings within three CRP areas and in three...

Humanist and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Concepts and Contrasts

The cognitive-behavioral model is described in some detail by Corey (2000). Its basic concepts are the linkages between cognition, affective behaviors and emotions. The understanding here is based upon two propositionsIrrational and pathological behaviors are based on a thought process that is distortedThe human mind is capable of restructuring those thought processes in order to lead to more rational and social behaviors (Corey, 2000 338).    Attached to these propositions are several...

General physiological effects of alcohol addiction

According to Miller (1991), excessive consumption of alcohol to a point whereby this behavior interferes with the normal physiology and social life of a person leading to mental or physical harm is referred to as addiction  The abuse of alcohol and its consequent addiction are grave medical conditions whose causes the medical fraternity do not clearly understand. The only thing that is clearly evident about these conditions is their effects. Alcohol addiction generally occurs at all stages...

Organizational Paradigms and Theories

In the rapidly changing and increasingly demanding environment that organizations find themselves operating in, it is imperative they be designed in a way as to anticipate and adopt to change seamlessly.  Presently, dynamic organizations need to adopt designs models that are collaborative and integrative in nature.  This means that information flow is not one way but multi dimensional. The concept is to have everybody involved in improving the whole system.   In order to best...

Discrimination and Its Components An Analysis of Jane Elliotts Blue Eyed

    Psychology refers to the scientific study of human mental processes, motivations, and behavior (Heffernan, 2005, p.1). The discipline thereby focuses on applying the scientific method in its explanations of how mental states and intentions affect human behavior. Due to the diversity of the different phenomena that characterizes and influences human behavior, the discipline of psychology may be further divided into sub-disciplines. One of these sub-disciplines is social psychology....