Behavioral momentum metaphor

Traditionally, behavioral analysts have termed response strength as the organisms behavior state that is exhibited in various measures among them the rate, latency, the responding force and probability given varying contexts such as experimental context, deprivation context and reinforcement history. According to this concept, elevated response strength is exhibited by increased response rates or greater responses magnitude or shorter latency. However, Nevin, Atak and Mandell have so far challenged...

Sensation and Perception

Sensation and perception are two experiences humans sometimes take for granted.  Without them, living things would not be able to experience the world, the experience of being alive. Sensation and perception allow living things to make sense of the world, enabling them to make contact with the world. In essence, sensation and perception enable living things to understand mental processes and behavior. Psychologists define sensation as the immediate experience of all sensory stimulation (Morris...


Intelligence Intelligence is used to give a description on the state of mind. It encompasses many abilities that are closely related. Such include capacities to reason, to plan, to offer solutions, to think on abstract terms, to grasp and comprehend ideas, to properly use language and to be able to learn. In other instances the term may refer to personality, character, creativity, wisdom, and knowledge. Due to this, the term intelligence does not have a commonly agreed upon definition. A number...

How do we save continued loss of Wildlife

Species which are considered to be endangered are depleting  10 times faster than  the rate at which scientists estimated. This is due to loss in biodiversity and ecological balance. Dinosaurs , which are considered today as a wonder lost their lives due this ecological imbalance only.Today, at present many animals like cheetah, leopard, lion, tiger and much more are in he verge of extinction. Majority of causers of the ecological imbalance are humans only. They take it as granted and...