Biopsychosocial is a model or an approach that portrays biological, psychological and social factors play a very important role in human functioning in relation to diseases and illness (Plante, 2005).  The importance for using Biopsychosocial Evaluation is that it is a useful tool in gathering all-important information on the client. The most crucial information obtained from a client is presentation of problems, previous treatments, medications, family history as well as current mental stasus.This...

Language Development During Infancy

When a child is born, various developments begin to take place that continue through adolescence and all the way to adulthood.  While a child develops in all areas, cognitive development takes place alongside other forms of development. It refers to development in terms of perception and reasoning, language development, information processing, intelligence and other areas of brain development.  Since all these areas of cognitive development have been extensively studied by different psychologists,...

Multicultural Population Study Filipino Overseas Contract Workers in the US

A Comparison on the Data Analysis Method of the Studies There are two research studies that are similar in the area of interest specifically having the sample population who are Filipinos working in the States.  The difference of the sample population between the studies is that the current study investigates the reasons why Filipino overseas contract workers chose to migrate and work in a foreign land rather than in their native land, Philippines, while the other study focuses on the levels...

Counseling the Whole Person

Counseling may be defined as therapy through talk and expression of feelings and thoughts. Rogers (2007, p. 85) defines counseling as a relationship between two people in a democratic atmosphere of understanding and respect, and that most counseling sessions fail because of the failure to establish such a relationship. A counselor listens to a clients needs, responds appropriately and mediates to achieve the outcomes that the client desires. Counseling skills are more of an art than a science and...

The Impact of Work Related Stress on Health

In everyday life, we have to cope with situations that require extremely hard work. Although this is crucial for success and financial benefits, employees may suffer from severe health problems. This is due to the fact that occupational demands can exert a negative effect on the individuals well-being. Societies during the industrial and post-industrial era, have been nurtured with the belief that pressure on workforce is necessary for organizations and companies to achieve their goals. However,...

The Psychoanalytic Treatment Situation, Method, And Attitude

The relationship between the psychological state of being of a person and that persons behavior is a subject that has been studied for a long time and whose insights have been critical in not only understanding human behavior but also how this behavior can be or is responsible for the various disorders that people suffer from. Human beings, unlike animals, have an innate ability to exhibit behavior that is representative of the persons state of mind, past events, and nature of relationships one...

Eating Disorders

There are many types of eating disorders. Examples of such are anorexia nervosa, binge eating and bulimia nervosa, to name a few (Learn basic terms and information on a variety of eating disorder topics, 2010). There was such a surprise to learn about the consequences of eating disorders. This is a disease that can affect everyone. It is a life-threatening, serious problem (Learn basic terms and information on a variety of eating disorder topics, 2010)that involves the perception of beauty in our...

Older Patients Understanding Medical Emergency Article critique

Research Questions The research attempted to answer four main questions What kind of information concerning the patients state and treatment do family members and older patients ask nurses and physicians in the emergency department To what extent do older patients and families comprehend the information provided by the emergency department Do older patients and members families get satisfied with the information they receive from the staff in emergency department What is the difference between older...

Research methods in psychology

There are a number of methods that can be used to conduct researches in psychology. These methods have been discussed in detail hereafter. The method adopted in research depend the field of psychology and the problem in question. We will assume a case of depression and show how research methods can be used to come up with conclusions. Naturalistic Observation  This method involves observation of the behavior in its natural settings. Operational definition of depression in this state will...

Periodic Evaluation

Cognitive Psychology Question 1 Perhaps the three most influential tenets in my field of specialization in psychology would be an integrative combination of structuralism, functionalism and associativism. From these major tenets emerged various theories of psychology, most notably the behaviorism movement which ultimately led to the birth of cognitive psychology as a science. They have encompassing influences not only in my field but also in various specializations in psychology. Structuralism,...