Exercise and Health

Exercise is an essential factor for healthy living. It maintains a person’s general fitness and also helps manage weight. It can also help curb against risks of diseases. It will therefore ultimately help one have a longer life and also live an enjoyable life free from diseases. Research shows that an individual who is physically unfit is more or less the same as one who drinks or smokes. Benefits of exercise in health are very many and this article will look into some of the most pronounced benefits.

Exercise improves moods
Regular exercise helps maintain one’s mental and emotional health. If an individual is stressed, the best thing to do is to engage in a physical exercise and in the process, the mind tends to concentrate on the exercise and curb against the effects of stress which, if not managed, might lead to depression. In case one is expressing the effects of a stressful day, as research shows, the solution is to take some time out probably to the gym or take a walk. Such an exercise would help an individual calm down. Physical activity helps in stimulation of brain chemicals which at the end will leave an individual happier and more relaxed than before. One’s outlook also improves if he or she engages in regular exercising. It helps boost an individual’s confidence as well as self esteem. It also curbs against depression. It is shown by research that about 90 percent of the maladies reported to the doctors’ desks are related to stress. Exercise is therefore able to bring back the mental state into its original state. A psychological explanation for this role of exercise is that it takes away one’s attention from the situation at hand and helps him or her concentrate on the exercise. On the other hand, biochemical explanation asserts that it helps the body produce chemicals which directly have an impact on the brain. Endorphins naturally enhance moods thus helping an individual obtain good moods (Bupa 1). Doctors normally prescribe exercise to individuals suffering from depression among other remedies.

Combats chronic disease
Many people nowadays are worried about chronic diseases such as heart diseases or diabetes; little do they know that physical exercise would be a solution. Having regular exercise would help curb against heart related diseases since it leads to burning up of cholesterol thus preventing atherosclerosis. It also boosts high density lipoprotein and decreases triglycerides. By so doing, it enables smooth flow of blood by cutting down the plaques which normally block the arteries. This is a heart disease associated with blockage of arteries due to concentrated cholesterol (Bupa 1). High blood pressure will also be a past tense if people learn to engage in regular exercises. It also helps prevent type 2 diabetes as well as osteoporosis. For an individual who already has type 2 diabetes it is advisable to engage in exercising. Weight-bearing exercise, when done frequently, helps in the formation of bones thus preventing bone loss by any form associated with ageing. Daily physical exercise will also help prevent stroke and heart diseases through strengthening the heart muscles. By cutting down body fatness, it helps reduce the risks of diabetes. Body fat is rate is decreased by preservation of muscle mass, thus good nutrition and exercise prevent obesity. Backache is a common ailment that many people complain of but regular exercise with good posture will help prevent it. In the UK for example, many people are suffering from heart related diseases (Bupa 1). Inactive individuals are reported to be doubling in the rate of dying from such diseases as compared to individuals who engage in frequent exercising. Cancer is a dreaded disease in many countries and exercise is shown to play a role in curbing certain types of cancers. Studies show that by exercising one is able to reduce chances of getting colon cancers as well as breast cancer for women in menopause. In addition, there are studies which have also shown that lung and endothmetrial cancers can be prevented by engaging in physical activity frequently.
Weight Management

When one engages in an exercise, calories are being burnt. The intensity of exercise is directly proportional to the number of calories burnt. Some of the exercises that one can engage in, to cut down or maintain weight, involve climbing stairs instead of using an elevator. One can also choose to take a walk probably during short breaks in the work place, for example, lunch breaks. Exercise makes the body burn up the stored fats, thus leading to weight maintenance. For example, if an individual would walk 5 miles a day, 5 times a week he or she would be able to burn about 2000 calories. In case the individual does not alter anything in his or her diet then he or she would be able to loose about 15 pounds in a period of six months and ultimately 30 pounds a year. In order to maintain weight, it does not necessarily mean that one must exercise vigorously; he or she should maintain regularity. For example, in the current society people are so busy and even getting time to work the 5 miles might not be easy. This can be achieved by taking small walks, reaching the targeted miles. One of the examples can include taking a walk to school, taking a walk once out of school and probably avoiding the use of an elevator and instead using stairs. If one has a mass index of 30 and above, serious exercising is called for. In fact, one is at risk of developing heart related disease and joint ailments as well as some kinds of cancer. One can be able to manage weight by both exercising and taking into consideration good and balanced diet. Obesity arises due to the imbalance that exists between one’s energy intake and the energy output. The output of energy is usually given out through metabolism and activity, so if one does not exercise it would lead to obesity since more energy in form of food would not be used (Bupa 1).

Exercise promotes better sleep
If an individual has been struggling with sleep, it is time to try exercising. Good sleep helps one concentrate on work during the day though most people nowadays complain of lack of sleep at night. The mood swings that people normally experience are attributed to poor sleep. Physical activity is one of the remedies that can be given to those who lack sleep. Regular exercise enables an individual to sleep better deeper. It is not advisable to exercise immediately before going to sleep since one would be too energized to sleep. It is therefore wise to exercise earlier and give the body time to relax before sleeping (Webmd 1).
How often should one exercise.

The benefits of exercise on health require that an individual exercises frequently. It is not advisable to start exercising and then stop doing it abruptly. To achieve effective results, one must do it consistently. It is also common to learn that most people think that having more exercise is better; so they prefer engaging in intense exercise. Health views it differently as it is advisable to only undertake moderate exercising every day. This is because engaging in intense exercise would lead to muscle straining thus leading to pain or loss of lean tissue (Webmed 1). Beginners are advised to start slower and then gain momentum with time. For instance, it is advisable to engage in any kind of exercise probably twice or thrice a week. Weight training, for instance, should not be done more than thrice a week. It would be advisable for an individual to incorporate time for exerting in his or her daily routine

Stronger Muscles
Regular exercise helps in strengthening muscles and the strong muscles play an important role in burning of the calories. A muscle is a metabolically active tissue. This means that an individual is able to burn calories depending on the amount of muscle mass. Studies reveal that for every pound that one adds he or she will be able to burn 35 to 50 calories each day. Men are shown to be able to loose weight faster than women since they have more muscle mass, especially depending on the kind of work they do. In the process of exercising, oxygen is normally used leading to conversion of chemical energy to mechanical energy. The oxygen is obtained from the hemoglobin in the blood. When the breakdown is taking place, carbon dioxide is released. This process leads to the production of chemical changes in the system.

Promote flexibility
Exercise also helps one become more flexible. It prevents faster ageing since one would be able to maintain his or her body posture. One would be able to bend easily, reach out or even twist. It promotes balance, thus curbing against injury and bringing about coordination. In case an individual has certain areas in his or her body that are stiff, such as neck or back, engaging in physical exercise would help a great deal. Effects of inactive life are usually observed as an individual grows.
Prevent early bone loss
Just like other tissues, bones require regular exercising. Men and women who engage in regular exercise end up having maximum bone density as compared to those who do not exercise (Bupa 1). People above 20 years normally start experiencing bone pain which can be prevented by exercising. The best bone exercise involves such exercises as weight training and walking. In addition, it would also be advisable to hike or jog as well as climb stairs. Swimming and bicycling are not part of weight bearing exercises. The two help in cardio vascular system but do not help strengthen bones.

Concentration in school
Exercise is also shown by research to help students concentrate in school. This is the reason as to why most schools have a provision in their curriculum for PE time and games time. Students are enabled to break from the intense studying to refresh themselves, so when they go back to learn their brain cells would have time to relax from intense thinking. Social development is an important aspect of health too. It is during the exercise time that people get time for each other. For example, there are exercises that cannot be performed by just one person.


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