Strategies for Helpers

Helping people out of a situation can vary depending on a number of reasons, including the age and gender of the one helping, and the nature of the situation or the kind of problem involved (Kazdin,  Cormier, 2006).  I once was in need of a car but did not exactly know which make or model to buy as I had specific needs for which I needed the car. So I went to a showroom in downtown London without any idea where to start. The salesperson there offered to help me out of the dilemma. She...

Ecstasy is safer than horse riding

A British drug chief, Professor David Nutt called for drug classification legislation to have a bearing on the real health risks. According to the Daily Mail, the government advisor held that taking ecstasy exposed individuals to similar risks as horse-riding. He wrote in a medical journal proclaiming that taking the drug has no difference with those individuals addicted to horse-riding (Nutt, 2008). These statements have drawn mixed reactions across the world with many people keen to see any sense...

Substance Abuse Cocaine

The ability of a society to effectively identify, prevent and address issues related to substance abuse forms one of the most critical outlines towards maintaining a highly productive economy.  Substance abuse in the society remains a highly destructive societal aspect in that it affects the peoples personalities and ultimately reduces their ability to fit within the wider societal reams.  Modern substance abuse specialists argue that the current problem of substance abuse requires a new...

Risky Sexual Behavior

There are four major factors that researchers have associated with risky sexual behavior among young people increase in sexual activity, success of anti HIVAIDS drugs, lack of education and unsafe sexual practices, and sharing of drugs through syringes. Young people are more sexually active than ever before, engaging in sexual activities at a very young age, and having several different partners over short spans of time. More often than not, those who are sexually active do not use latex condoms...

Abnormal Psychology

Many theories and perspective exist in the field of psychology.  Mood disorders and personality indifferences are just a few of the oddities within the chosen field.  Behaviors often procreate in patterns, but some behaviors are learned by example.  The American Psychological Association (AMA) has given great insight and clinical advice for addressing these issues.  Abnormal psychology is credited with theories and perspectives characteristic of specific behaviors patterns and...

Understanding the similarities and differences between bipolar disorder and schizophrenia to determine a correct diagnosis

Pini, Queiroz, DellOsso, et al., (2004), states that, there are three types of psychological disorders that are commonly confused by people. These include the most common one the bipolar disorder, also referred to as manic depression, schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder. The general use of these terms, by media as well as by people referring to anyone who have a mental problem, has resulted to the confusion revolving around them.  These disorders however, do not have much in common...

The Silence of the Lambs - Movie Summary

Some movies and novels talk about socio-psychopaths who are out to murder their victims. In some cases, victims are linked with a common object that interests their killer and in some instances killings are a source of personal satisfaction for the killer. Silence of the lambs is a story that talks about two offenders who kill only for their personal satisfaction. Introduction Main plot of the story of Silence of the lambs is to psychoanalyze a serial killer by utilizing information provided by...

Adolescence Portrayal in the Media

Some American TV shows depict adolescents as violent, unruly, addicts, and simply out of control. They portray American adolescent as someone who hates school, loves sex, likes partying, and wants to experiment on everything and anything that is new. They are also viewed as mischievous people who cannot recognize the consequences of their actions and who are unwilling to think before they act (AD). In this paper, I have chosen to expound on a TV show that is very popular in America The Simpsons....

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Client Centered Therapy for Children and Adolescents with Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder

Adolescents and children are treated in the mental health system everyday for a variety of mental disorders.  The focus of this research will be centered on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Client Centered Therapy as it relates to Conduct Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder.  The therapeutic approach will examine both individual and group psychotherapy settings.  A thorough examination will be given on the named conditions and named therapies.  Comparatively, it will determine...

Addiction and Substance Abuse

There is a general consensus that the use of alcohol beverages has been with us since times immemorial. Across the globe, alcohol has over the time grown to play an important role in the lives of people for one reason or another. To this end, the consumption of alcohol has undoubtedly become fully integrated in our lives. For instance, it is usually consumed with meals as well as used for religious or medical purposes. Alcohol has at the same time been used during celebrations in several special...