Eating Disorders in Adolescents

Significance of obesity
The problem of obesity is a very significant one but most adolescents tend to underestimate it. According to the World Health organization, there are more than a billion overweight people. Alarmingly, 300 of them are obese. Adolescents are highly prone to obesity.

Risk factors contributing to obesity
The change in lifestyle and behavioral patterns of people that was not there a couple of decades back are the most significant factors that contribute to obesity. Globalization of food market, increasing purchasing power of people, modern lifestyle and urbanization has led to an increase in obesity that is spreading like an epidemic. Technology has advanced at an accelerated pace. Whether it is leisure or work people have various options to indulge from home. There is increased and automated transport facility. Decrease in physical activity and intake of complex diet that contains high level of sugar and saturated fat are also the contributing factors.

Problems that result from obesity
Fatal problems like type 2 diabetes, stroke, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and even some forms of cancer like large bowel cancer and hormonally related cancers are the results of obesity. Apart from these, some non fatal health conditions like infertility, skin diseases, chronic musculoskeletal and respiratory problems are also the results of obesity.

Suggested approaches to reduce the incidence of obesity
Individuals should increase the intake of whole grains, vegetables, nuts and fruits. They should cut down on food items that have high contents of saturated fat and sugar. They should start physical activities like brisk walking for at least half an hour regularly. There should a constant urge in individuals to maintain their weight. If weight gets reduced people should not return to the old lifestyle, rather continue with it.

Significance of anorexia nervosa
Anorexia Nervosa is a very significant problem as adolescents suffering from it are obsessed with weight loss even when they are slim and slender. They go to the extent of making themselves throw up food in order to maintain their body weight. This attitude is a serious threat not only to the physical but also mental well being of a person.

Risk factors contributing to anorexia nervosa
Major risk factors that contribute to this eating disorder are dieting, low self esteem, body dissatisfaction, childhood sexual abuse, family history of eating disorders, and obsession with perfectionism.

Problems that result from anorexia nervosa
Problems that are result of this eating disorder are dry yellowish skin, insomnia, restlessness, growth of fine hair all over the body including face, fainting tendency, dizziness, headache, mood swings, irritability, bad memory, andominal pain, constipation, loss of menstrual periods, weakness, lack of energy, tendency of feeling cold all the time, hair loss, slow heart rate, fluttering of the heart, low blood pressure, anemia, swollen joints osteoporosis, kidney stones, kidney failure, bloating, constipation, low level of sodium, magnesium, potassium, brittle nails, if pregnant then high chances miscarriages, chances of low weight babies, post natal depression etc.

Suggested approaches to reduce the incidence of anorexia nervosa
The first and foremost approach would be to educate adolescents about anorexia and the problems that one can face if suffering from this disorder. There should be ways to increase their self esteem. There should be dissemination of information about what are the healthy eating habits and make the sufferers aware of the coping techniques. Family therapy can also prove to be extremely helpful especially if an individuals family history of eating disorders gets detected.

Significance of bulimia nervosa
Just like other eating disorders, bulimia nervosa is both medical and psychological problem as a bulimic adolescent can consume around 3000  5000 calories in as less as 60 minutes. Those who suffer from it indulge in  secretive excessive eating and then use inappropriate methods like purging, crash dieting, excessive exercising, using laxatives, diuretics etc. in order to get rid of the results. Hence it is a kind of obsession that needs to be treated as soon as its symptoms appear.

Risk factors contributing to bulimia nervosa
There is a certain section of people who have high risks of suffering from this disorder. This set of people are those adolescents who aim to become performing artists like, actors, gymnasts, models, ballet dancers or sportspeople like runners, wrestlers etc. Factors like low self esteem, poor body image, dieting are also some of the reasons that contribute to this disorder. If there is a family history of bulimia nervosa then too a person has high chances of being a victim to it. Sometimes young girls and boys who are undergoing physical changes due to puberty or those who have recently gone through break up of a relationship also become prone to this disorder.

Problems that result from bulimia nervosa
Abdominal pain, bloating, constipation due to laxative abuse, loss of menstrual periods, ulcers, acid reflux, mouth sores, tooth decay, esophagus, ruptured stomach, dizziness, weakness, swelling of feet and hands, hoarseness, chronic sore throat, broken blood vessels of the eyes, swollen salivary glands, swollen cheeks and weight gain are the problems that might occur due to bulimia nervosa.

Suggested approaches to reduce the incidence of bulimia nervosa
To reduce the incidence of this disorder it is important to educate the sufferer about its ill effects. Changing unhealthy thought processes and breaking the cycle of binge eating and purging would help. Therapy combined with antidepressants also prove to be extremely beneficial.


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