Eric Erickson psychology

Erik H. Erickson lived from 1902 to 1994 and was best known for social development theory of human beings. He coined the phrase of identity crisis which described the various stages that a human being must undergo throughout his life development cycle. Eric was a well known German American psychologist and psychoanalyst who made strides in child development and came up with eight stages of development (Richard, 24). In his theory of childhood development, he focused on how the society has influenced...

Cross-Cultural Psychology

Analysis of cross-cultural psychology Cross-cultural psychology is a comparative analysis of the differences in human behavior as a factor of different cultural backgrounds. This paper focuses on cross-cultural psychology seeking to outline how different it is from cultural psychology as well as how they relate. Cross-cultural psychology comes out as an empirical approach on cultural psychology. It uses critical thinking to explain variations and universalities in behavior across different cultures. ...

Service Learning

 Service learning has been found useful in enhancing the learning of concepts by students in class in recent times. Moreover, service learning has been found instrumental in producing attractive results in students like enhanced self esteem as well as an increased desire to know social causes. The psychology of learning is beneficial to all in the learning process as seen with trainers of dogs in the animal shelter. Generally, this article highlights the importance of teaching and learning...

An Argument for the Inclusion of Joshua Wolf Shenks What Makes us Happy into the Curriculum

Essay Assignment Joshua Wolf Shenks article, What Makes us Happy, is a deep and somewhat complicated look into one of the most important and comprehensive studies on the human condition in the history of psychology. Complete with analysis of the study, its participants, and most importantly the studys curator, Shenks article provides a depth of analysis that is both useful and intriguing on many different levels. The article would fit perfectly in the curriculum of a course on the pursuit of happiness...

Discussion Board Questions

Essay Question 1 Erickson Erickson describes eight stages of human development. The first stage is Trust vs. Mistrust and it is in this stage that the main developmental task is to learn how to trust. The second stage is Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt, in this stage the toddler learns how to control bodily functions, and how to remain independent from their parents for longer periods of time. This stage occurs from around the age of one and a half to age three. Stage three is that of Initiative vs....

Guide Questions

How many different MRI pulse sequences do they use Give the types and names of pulse sequences. In the study, there were actually 65 different MRI pulse sequences used in direct coherence with 303 sentences.  These sentences were classified into three namely motion, static, and fictive.  In the motion part, a motion verb is being described with movement.  For example, participants will be prompted with sentences such as The deer jumped over the brook.  On the other hand, static...


Child development is a process that every child has to undergo while growing up and it involves mastering as well as learning different skills in life for instance walking, sitting, tying shoes and talking (Uttal, ODoherty, Newland, Hand  DeLoache, 2009). A developmental milestone is a skill acquired by a child within a specified period, for instance learning how to walk (Uttal, et al., 2009).  Developmental milestone occurs in sequences in that one skill has to be fully developed before...


There is a major belief that during the developmental process of a child they tend to asks more questions and are more inquisitive about almost everything they see and hear. At this stage it is always best, if as a parent or guardian you can figure the best way to reply. In the process of their growing up they encounter a lot of life experiences. Some they might understand adequately while some they might not. Children therefore have the general believe that their parents know it all thereby not...

Human Growth Discussion

The role of gender stereotypes continues to be observed in communities and in the workplaces. It is evident that individuals tend to choose their professions depending on the influences they have during the early stages of their development (Ogut, 2003). This paper will discuss some of these factors that have particularly affected women individuals from taking up male-dominated professions. The effects of self esteem and sex differences will also be discussed in the paper. Gender stereotypes develop...

Role of repetition and Memory

Memory refers to the ability of an individual to recall or retrieve information already in store. One of the very common methods which have been used most commonly in school and learning includes aspects such as rehearsal through repetition of content over and over a period a long period of time. Therefore, repetition is defined as the act of repeating over and over an event for a number of times in order to master it clearly (Daniel, 2001).  For instance, if you are taught a new song today,...

Role of repetition and Memory

Memory refers to the ability of an individual to recall or retrieve information already in store. One of the very common methods which have been used most commonly in school and learning includes aspects such as rehearsal through repetition of content over and over a period a long period of time. Therefore, repetition is defined as the act of repeating over and over an event for a number of times in order to master it clearly (Daniel, 2001).  For instance, if you are taught a new song today,...

The Effects on Children with Drug Addicted Parents

At a time when global consumerism and lifestyle patterns have increasingly shifted to role modeling and application of ethical lessons in real life, drug addicted parents form the most influential platform towards maladaptive behavior and sociological disorders for their children.  To concur with many analysts conclusions, parents addicted to different drugs have reduced capacity for guiding their children and therefore leaving major aspects unattended and therefore creating a room for experimentation...

Psychological Approach of Criminal Behavior in Relation to Homicide

Criminal behavior can be defined as any act that breaks the already existing laws. The definition of criminal behavior can differ in relation to different domains. Socially, criminal behavior is any act that beaks the already existing social norms and such an act is punishable by the society while a moral criminal behavior is any act that goes against the norms of religion and it is punishable by a spiritual being with a higher supreme authority. Legally, criminal behavior is any act that violates...