Social Bias

Social bias has been with us for many years now and the vice seems far from over. Even with legislations entrenched in our constitution criminalizing the negative aspects of social bias, the discrimination has persisted. The subtle biases have prevailed in spite of criminalizing negative social biases. The most fascinating aspect of the issue is that subtle biases appear to be unconscious and involuntary. Nevertheless, we have to work extra hard to remove the vice in our society whether in its subtle...

Readiness for treatment as a Predictor of Therapeutic Engagement in Drug Treatment

Many research studies explore the role of motivation in the management substance abuse - a worldwide social problem, and prove that motivation for treatment is a core variable for a drug addicted persons engagement in the treatment programs. Motivation is a predictor of participation in the treatment, responsiveness to treatment, treatment completion as well as positive outcomes among treated individuals and needs to be the primary focus during treatment interventions (Conner, Longshore,  Anglin,...

The Mozart Effect

The paper seeks to examine and discuss what has rapidly become the next media darling The Mozart Effect. The term paper will examine various theories, researches and ideas associated with the topic in the hope of digesting the nature of the Mozart effect. Though the effects of music on emotional arousal and to some degree memory are documented through recent researches, the idea that music directly increases intelligence is an interesting concept. If true, it would herald an entirely new chapter...

Social Cognitive Learning Theory

The definition of the Social Learning Theory is that people learn by observation of others. This means that when you watch someone you are learning their mannerisms and movements. We also see this when we observe animals such as primates, they often copy what they see humans doing. There have been many experiments to observe learning. One of these experiments was Banduras Bobo doll experiment. They took children and placed them into two different groups. Group A watched a video of adults beating...


One essential aspect that shapes the capacity of practitioners to actively fulfill their roles and functions revolve around their ability to utilize available information and apply it in their corresponding practice. The essential element in supplementing this objective corresponds into continuous learning and research. Seeing this, the practice of both the scholar-practitioner model and the practitioner-scholar model coincides with such objective. Though these two ideas may diverge in their application...

Card Tricks, Educational Psychology, and Personality Types

The Torn and Restored Card Trick is a perennially popular trick because it is appears more akin to real magic as opposed to a slight of hand. Of course, it is achieved through a slight of hand and learning how to perform this legendary trick brings forth a sense of wonderment in those that perform it, watch it, and learn it. However, this is a card trick that can be difficult to master. As such, it becomes a delicate trick to teach when you are working with someone that might become frustrated...


People differ from animals when it comes to their relationship with food. Both need food for survival. Animals, depending on their size, can consume more than or less than a persons consumption. Animals also differ in their manner of devouring food. But more important for this paper is their difference in their outlook on food. Both people and animals have a concept of what their food really is. Food to animals is just a necessity of life they eat to gain energy so they may be able to power other...

Critical Analysis of the study

Recall of Previously Unrecallable Information following a Shift in Perspective by Richard C. Anderson and James W. Pichert Summary of the Study At the turn of the century, it has been realized that important elements of information are more likely to be learned and remembered than the unimportant elements. In recent studies, it has been seen that there is an increase in precise formulations on the importance of notion in terms of schemata, propositional analysis schemes, and text grammars. These...

The Influence of Science and Culture on Scientists A reply to two paragraphs

The aim of this paper is to post a reply on the two paragraphs that were written by another person whose identity is not known to the writer. The two paragraphs of concern in this paper are both untitled but are connected by the idea of expressing criticisms on the manner by which scientists arrive at their conclusions with the assumption that these conclusions are made not solely in accordance to empirical research but also in the cultural influences and personal motives of the scientists. The...