Abnormal Psychology

1. Life Changes and Stress Test The life changes and stress test allows individuals to measure the level of stress that they are undergoing and therefore decide what steps they can take after. Stress is the sure proof of the connection between the mind and the body, that is the mood picks up the stressor and the body reacts physically to the stressor. The life changes and stress test measures the levels of stressors that an individual perceives in normal life. After taking the stress, the results...


Having experienced the most devastating earthquake of the century and loosing close to 250,000 people as  well as properties valued in the tune of billions of dollars, the word hope sounded like a dirge to most of the victims in Haiti (SIC, 2010). However, the astounding positive response from people all over the world has resulted in rejuvenated optimism for the Haitians. Attkisson (2010) approximates 14.9 billion having been donated and the figures escalating with each day. This number has...

Mental Disorder An Illness or a Different Way of Life

More than anything else in the world, human hold their selves as the most pivotal part of their lives. They are very much concerned as to how other people view them and as to how they present their selves in front of other people. At the center of their lives, everything else has something to do with them. It is for this reason that most people throw away the idea of going beyond the recognized boundaries of social norms and behaviors set by society. If they move away from their status quo, they...

Philosophy of Success

Success to an individual is said to be the accomplishment of something or set goals that constitute part of human life. The life of an individual develops through various stages and constitutes of different activities. A human being is driven by motive, ambitions and goals (Lemann Nicholas, 1994). The philosophy of success therefore defines the various steps that an individual undergoes or the driving force of a successful person. A number of individuals fail to achieve their goals in life as a...

Subliminal Advertising

This essay tackles the nature and effectiveness of subliminal advertising in influencing choice. The paper first discusses the definition, nature and techniques involved in subliminal advertising and its connection with the brain. It also presents three studies that either contradict the hypothesis or remain inconclusive about it. The conclusion focuses on the inconclusiveness of both theoretical and experimental information on subliminal advertising in terms of influencing choice and thereby recommends...

Compare Data Collection Method

It is reported that large population of Filipino people live in America and even well trained professionals from Philippines tend to leave their homeland besides missing their family and friends (American Psychological Association, 2002). The clear reasons behind this personal preference need to be explored in detail with well-tailored research programme. The research exercise proposed require detailed categorization of data types based on which the methodology could be decided. The research would...

Forensic Psychology

Forensic psychology has received extensive attention from the public and professional practitioners over the years. Quite distinct from other areas of psychology, forensic psychology is defined by Freedheim, Goldstein and Weiner (2003) as a field which is inclusive of the application of science and law professions in questioning issues which relate to psychology and the legal system. This paper explores the subspecialties of forensic psychology providing a detailed evaluation of their components....

Canadian Psychological Association Ethical Guidelines for Supervision in Psychology

There are ethical principles that psychologists engage in that serves as a guide and code in resolving ethical dilemmas where specific definitions of behavior reflect the professions ethical principles and values.  This underlying code of ethics guides the psychologists in their work, with no force of law, and cross-referenced to reflect the four ethical principles that are the following (1) respect for the dignity of persons (2) responsible caring (3) integrity in relationships and (4) responsibility...