EMDR, Music Therapy, and Somatic Disorder

EMDR, Music Therapy, and Somatic Disorder Upon waking up in the morning and being completely drawn into the proper performance of his or her daily activities, a modern human being today will surely notice that the environment of the 21st century has evolved from a silent and simple setting to an area that caters to competition and continuous improvement in order to survive the challenges  imposed by the current global status (Corey  Corey, 2006). Pressure from work, conditions inside...

Offender Profile on CSI Las Vegas

Every crime has a victim and an offender.  They come from all walks of life, nonetheless breaking the stereotyping of the society as based on personal and societal beliefs.  The media is also a big factor in the publics assumptions as to who is a possible suspect or not. The media in our world today has played different roles and comes in various forms print, radio, and audio-visual.  They cater to an array of people in various age groups depending on the articles they published...


Psychology is defined as the  study of the human soul or mind  (Zimmer, 1999, para. 2).  On this note, psychology deals with the cognitive and emotional responses of the person because these are also the components of the mental processes of the human mind.  In psychology, people view the world in different perspectives, hence their responses are also different.  For example,  a painting has a beautiful appeal for someone whereas another person sees it as nothing but...

The Muslim American cultural group

There was a participation in the community organization where by I had an interview with the Muslim American cultural group. The event was on 13th May 2010 at 3.00 oclock. That is the individuals were married but from the same culture, the man name was Sheikh Salim his wifes names were Fatima Ali, The mode of dressing, was the cultural factor that helped me to shape the individuals identity that is the man was in a long white robe which he preferred it as a religious attire called Kanzu, the lady...

Single-Parent Families

If the child is supported emotionally from their single-parent, the academia and well being for the child often results positive. A lot of misconceptions have been advanced in regard to single parent families especially on the part of the children raised from such family backgrounds. Children from these families are thought to be delinquent, often falling on the wrong side of the law they experience other social problems and are likely to drop out of school. There is nothing positive that has been...

Research Question How do single parents experience the job of raising their children alone

Single parent families are growing very fast and constitute for about 31 of the families in the United States.  The single father family is on a growing trend in the United States, accounting to about one fifth of the single parent families, reaching to about three million (Hirschi 2009). Due to these changes in the family structure, it is good to understand the relationships between family structure, gender and parental well being. It is evident that raising children is negatively associated...

Workplace Drug Screening Opinion Paper

The paper discusses the issue of drug screening in the workplace. Types of drug tests and their reliability are discussed. The paper weighs and evaluates legal and ethical ramifications of workplace drug screening. The fight for skilled workers is not easy in their striving to develop a productive and cost-efficient labor force, employers are willing to use the most sophisticated selection methods. Drug screening in the workplace is becoming a widely used form of testing applicants and employees...

Outcomes of testing (psychology tests and measures)

Tests and measurements in psychology are used for research, diagnosis or assessment to find the solution of a problem. In most cases, psychological tests evaluate and assess the information that a client gives to a psychologist. This information is usually given in the form of answers on paper or answers to an interview. Ultimately, the accuracy of the test largely depends on how seriously and carefully a client responds and answers the questions. DISCUSSION How test and measurements are used in...