Humans are created in this world to serve a number of objectives and included in the list is their task to produce progenies in order to preserve the continuity of life and genetic traits, and to maintain the general equilibrium between and among living, non-living and inanimate objects that reside in this world today (Hamida, Mineka and Bailey, 1998).  Gender specific preferences in mate selection are the focus of many psychological and sociological studies that seek to...

Language and Speech Development and Disorders

The paper presents a theoretical and practical analysis of an interview with a care worker at language school. Language impairments in children after traumatic brain injury (TBI) are the central point of analysis. The principles and findings presented by the interviewee are positioned from an interactionist perspective, which shows language as the product of both biological and social development. The interviewee makes emphasis on the collaboration and communication between children and between...

Ethics and the Prevention of Gang Violence

According to O Neill (2005), governments define social conditions as social problems by spending money on them. (14). this has specifically been true when it comes to juvenile gang violence. However what has become clear over the course of several years is that gang violence is not a problem that you can simply throw money at and have it go away. There are specific ethical issues that must be addressed when attempting to help adolescents who are gang members to separate themselves from this negative...


Cognition and learning     Cognition is the mental process of knowing something either through awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment.  This is how somebody can claim to know something. Learning is closely linked with cognition. Learning can be said to be the process of acquiring new knowledge, skills, behaviors, values and understanding. (Brown et al, 1989).     In psychology stroop effect is understood to be a demonstration of the reaction time of...

Descriptive and Inferential Statistics

Descriptive and inferential statistics are the two most general types of statistics that are being used in researches and similar studies. Descriptive statistics are the type of statistics that provides the summaries of numeric data in an organized and straightforward manner (Levinson, 2002). Inferential statistics on the other hand, is the type of statistics that is uses a small set of data to come up with educated guess or inference about the larger set of data represented by the smaller data...

Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Human beings brain is indeed very powerful. A mindset of a person will always have a physical manifestation through its actions and behavior. So to speak, it is not what happens to a person but rather it is what heshe does with what happens to her. Therefore, a person invents hisher own life.     Let us take the case of Mr. G, a married man working for a major corporation, who is presently seeking treatment due to his frustration and disappointment because he lost his promotion due...

Abusive men and why they may become abusers

All the attempts made by a person(s) to control the behavior of another through improper utilization of power using bonds of relationship, trust, and dependency aimed at making the victim helpless are termed as abuse. Men are widely known to be abusive towards women and children. There are several reasons that may lead to a man becoming a perpetrator of violence. Biological and historical factors may make a person to be violent (Stong, 2007). Past experiences from violent surroundings, demographic...


    Depression pertains to a mental health disorder that is mainly characterized by a general feeling of sadness that lasts for a prolonged duration of time (Henje Blom et al., 2010).  An individual with depression also shows a lack of interest in specific activities that he used to find pleasure in performing.  Depression is also physically manifested as a sudden gain or loss in total body weight.  In the United States alone, it has been estimated that there are at...

Introduction to Typicality and Categorization

Categorization is a process of group conceptualization, where things tend to be classified according to what the person behind the classification thinks fit best. Normally entities are classified according to similar characteristics so that those which have common characteristics are grouped together. The field sometimes depends on training that someone is given when the person is being oriented to the world and it is not easy to change what one believes in. A common phenomenon worth of concern...


It is a scientific study that tries to understand and explain thoughts, emotion and behaviors.         Attachment theory happens to be a part of psychology that explains interpersonal relationships between people. Children tend to seek an attachment figure in situations their minds are unable to solve. Probably most of the time an attachment to an adult is inevitable since children are sensitive and responsive in social interactions. In this case adults mould the...

Flexible, Fearful and Feisty

Differences in temperament can be noticed even from when a child is still an infant. Some children are born and are fussy from day one, sensitive to any background noise, easily startled and have irregular sleeping and eating patterns and then others are mellow calm and quickly adjust to the eating and sleeping routines. Thomas and chess depict three patterns or collection of temperament individuality that control the parent-child relationship and family life. It is also important to bear in mind...

Gender difference on self-esteem and math engagement

The study is about gender difference in self-esteem and engagement, There have been a lot of research indicating that a gender gap between males and females exist because of disengagement. The hypothesis is set to append the notion that women are weaker in terms of self-esteem and mathematical ability. The methods used to measure the variables is a 20 item questionnaire on the four basic operational method attached with is a 7-point Likert scale about self-esteem and disengagement. The result showed...