Flexible, Fearful and Feisty

Differences in temperament can be noticed even from when a child is still an infant. Some children are born and are fussy from day one, sensitive to any background noise, easily startled and have irregular sleeping and eating patterns and then others are mellow calm and quickly adjust to the eating and sleeping routines.

Thomas and chess depict three patterns or collection of temperament individuality that control the parent-child relationship and family life. It is also important to bear in mind that parents like children, they also differ in temperament. Some parents are quick in reacting and intense, while others are quiet and slow to respond. This blend between the parents and children has a very burly effect on family life, occasionally it can lead to positive relations, sometimes to aggravation, and sometimes it can even lead to disagreements. From a number of qualitative judgments of parental temperament, however, it is clear that there is no simple linear relationship between parent-child temperament match and the developmental outcome in the child (Chess  Thomas, p. 192). The three patterns of temperament are Flexible, Fearful and Feisty.

    It is very important for a parent to understand hisher childs temperament so as to know how to react to them when it comes to certain situations. It can also assist the parent when making decisions that will affect the family. An example is a parent going on vacation by Airplane will need to learn there childs individuality so as to know how they will act in response to a plane ride.

Flexible temperament
    Children with this type of temperament tend to nap and feed at regular times, they are easy to potty train they are generally not selective and are always cheerful. A child with this temperament you find that they will easily adapt to new situations. Needless to say when it comes to a parent planning a trip by airplane they need not worry about there child if they have this temperament. To this child it will be an adventure, in most cases they will be thrilled to experience something new in there lives and will focus more on the fun of flying as opposed to the fears that might come with it.
A child with this type of individuality is the easiest child to get along with and will enjoy any activity planed for the family. But it is important for the parent or caregiver of this child to set aside time to talk to them and find out if they have any concerns about the plane ride, since a child who is flexible will not willingly let you know what is bothering them.

Fearful temperament
    Fearful children tend to be withdrawn and take time to adapt to new situations. They more time and attention to warm up to new people and adapt to situations. A parent or caregiver with a child who is fearful will need to avail themselves more to the child.

When planning for the airplane ride the parent will need to prepare the child well in advance. Explain to them everything that they will have to do to prepare for the ride. For instance tell them about taking off the shoes while going through security, the sounds the airplane makes while take off or landing. Let the child tell you what they think can make the airplane ride fun and let them do it if it is within the airplane policy. Let the child carry something they can relate to that is familiar to them such as a toy, this will serve as a good distraction and will make them forget the fear they have.

Feisty temperament
    A child with this temperament can be a handful. They will make sure that everyone around them knows when they are discontented about a situation and are very intense. The good side is they will also let you know when they are satisfied. These children are usually on the extremes in every emotion they experience. They are very sensitive, irregular, moody, active and very distractible. For a parent with a child who is feisty they will need to prepare the child in advance and let them know about the planned airplane ride.  Although, the parent should be prepared to have an alternative means of transport incase they refuse to go on an airplane ride.


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