Ethics and the Prevention of Gang Violence

According to O Neill (2005), governments define social conditions as social problems by spending money on them. (14). this has specifically been true when it comes to juvenile gang violence. However what has become clear over the course of several years is that gang violence is not a problem that you can simply throw money at and have it go away. There are specific ethical issues that must be addressed when attempting to help adolescents who are gang members to separate themselves from this negative lifestyle.

    The first ethical issue is that of integrity. As a specialist in juvenile gang violence you will need integrity, not only to avoid becoming involved with gang issues yourself, but, as a sign you can be trusted by the juveniles that you work with. Integrity will also be critical in terms of working hand in hand with the police and other social agencies that are helping to prevent juvenile gang violence because, it is often necessary for the psychological professional to act as an intermediary between law  enforcement and the client.

    A second ethical issue that will play a critical role is that of justice. While my main goal will be to help my clients escape the gang life, a secondary goal will be in preventing gang violence in order to provide justice to all of the families who have had their lives harmed by gangs, either because a family member is involved in gang violence, or because someone in the family has been harmed by gang violence.

    The third and perhaps, most important ethical principle that must guide by career is that of fidelity and responsibility. Fidelity is important because if I am not loyal to my clients and seek to serve their best interests, they will not learn to trust me, more than they trust their gang. Responsibility is also critical. As a counselor I have a responsibility to my clients, to protect them, to help them solve their problems and the help they develop the coping skills, and life skills that they will need in order to leave the gang, and to stop participating in gang violence. Each of these ethical principles will guide my choices throughout my career and help me to serve the interests of my clients to the best of my abilities.


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