The Breakfast Club

Identity is the highlight of adolescence in ones life. The search for, confusion over, crisis and commitment to identity amidst radical physical changes is what defines the period of adolescence. Erikson (as cited by Papalia, Olds  Feldman, 2004) points out that resolving the crisis of identity versus identity confusion, so as to become a unique adult with a coherent sense of self and a valued role in society is the chief task at the time of adolescence (p.425). Part I Brian Johnson (Anthony...

Abortion Today

Across the board, different authorities seek to settle for a common ground on the issue of abortion. This is mainly between pro-lifers and pro-abortionists. In deed, both camps have got very valid arguments such that it is not easy to make a fair judgment between them. However, basing their arguments on fundamental moral principles, one would take sides. Theories on the sources of morality, for this matter, can help in deepening the understanding on the intricacies of abortion. The three sources...

Freuds Psychodynamic Theory

Sigmund Freud is considered as a pioneer in the field of psychodynamics which is the study of the human behavior based on the conscious and unconscious psychological forces. Freud emphasized that there is a psychological energy existing in the brain which underlies the psychological processes. Freud applied the law of dynamics to the human personality which he considered similar to an energy system. The theory is based on the belief that human personality is a function of the transformations, exchanges,...

Stereotypes and Rhetoric

The society is made of various kinds of people. These people take up different orientation. This makes them to be perceived differently by the society. There are certain groups which are behind stereotyping. These groups are stereotyped by the society due to their deeds. Some of the groups which are stereotyped include Senior Citizens, tattooed persons, Politicians and Feminists. The mention of such grounds renders some concepts in to the mind of many people. This is because of the way these groups...

The relationship between stress and illness

Stress is a normal life process which is associated with positive and negative outcomes. It is possible to link stress with illnesses, a phenomenon that occurs in case of chronic stress. Stress initiates illness by via the fight or flight response resulting to mid-term and long term effects. Short-term effects include headache and muscle ache as well as flu whereas long-term effects include cardiovascular diseases among other life threatening conditions. This paper discusses the relationship between...

Nature Vs. Nurture

One of the recent developments in biology has been cloning technology. Cloning technology has made it possible to preserve the genetic component of a species and it is argued that the technology comes with many advantages.  Cloning technology is likely to be applied in different areas especially in preservation of desired species. Cloning technology mainly use the process of creating copies of DNA fragments. This means that the person and the clone share a similar DNA framework (Pence, 1998)....

Case Analysis of Ben

Summary of Bens History Ben is a 52-year old male working for a postal company for 22 years. Ben was an only child. His father, a janitor, died when he was 18, while his mother was a homemaker. Ben got lots of attention from them, but claims that they were  different and weird  like him. He even mentions that his aunt was institutionalized several times. Ben is unmarried and never developed permanent relationships with women because making social advances with them is a thing that he avoids....

The development depth perception of monocular and binocular cues

At the time of birth the human eye is almost half the size and weight of a mature eye in an adult. Although the infants eye is grossly similar to that of an adult, the only difference is that the way the parts relate to one another is quite is not the same. The different parts of the eye also develop at different rates. For example, at birth the cornea is almost completely developed as compared to iris which is still crude at birth. Retina is also well developed at birth as compared to other parts...

The Development of Childrens Attentional Flexibility

The rapid cognitive development that young children experience had been the focus of interest for many researchers of cognitive functioning. Mainly on gaining an understanding of how the brain develops and acquires the cognitive abilities that children need as they progress along the different stages of development. In terms of cognitive functioning, one that has fascinated most researchers is the study of attention and problem-solving. Children have limited attention span, they are easily distracted...