Biological Psychology History and Underlying Assumptions

The Encyclopaedia Britannica (2010) defines Biological Psychology as the study of the interrelationship of biology and psychology that affects behaviour. In other words, it takes careful examination on the physiological bases of behaviour that is manifested by an individual in certain conditions. Biological Psychology as a discipline concerns itself with ...the relationship between psychological processes and the underlying physiological eventsor, in other words, the mind-body phenomenon. Its focus...

Memory loss in Pregnancy

During pregnancy women undergo many changes inside their body as the new baby takes its form within the mothers body. One such change associated with pregnancy is change in memory status which suffers loss according to some researchers. This controversy forms the basis of this research with the hypothesis of this research study being that cognitive performance, especially working memory, is indeed impaired during pregnancy and the postpartum period. The data was collected from three groups of women...

Marketing Strategy for Deluxe Chips new product line

Design  a  marketing  strategy  for  Deluxe  Chips  new  product  line. The  target  consumer  for  Deluxe  Chips  new  product  line  is  35  50 years  old.  The  tag  line  for  these  products  would  be  you  need  not  compromise  on  taste  anymore.  It  will  be  marketed  as  a ...

Elderly Support Agencies

The elderly, ages 65 and older, is part of the vulnerable population that needs significant protection and assistance from their family and community.  Salt Lake City has a growing elderly population, which comprises 10.3 of the citys total population (Assisted Living Directory, 2010).  It is the most populous region in Utah where the total elderly population comprises 9 of the statess total population (US Census Bureau, 2010).  This statistical figure is lower than than the average...

Single and Working Mothers Effects of Multiple Social Roles and Social Support on their Quality of Life

Traditionally, a mothers role has been considered to be in the home. When women enter the work force, they do not lose their unique attributes with respect to their nurturing roles nor do they give up the functions and reciprocities of the home. Instead, they have added new functions and dimensions of social participation to their key role as home-makers. Through time, the society has accepted that women not only have the capacity and the potential but also, they have the right to seek and enter...

Phenomenological Research Methods

This paper discusses two methods of phenomenological research transcendental and hermeneutic research. It includes the definition of the two approaches, their similarities, differences, strengths, and weaknesses. Phenomenological Research Methods Introduction Phenomenology is a movement in philosophy started by Edmund Husserl in 1905. This movement is based on the notion that reality is all about what is perceived by human consciousness and not by anything that deviates from it. Husserl focused...

Romance and emotional attraction

Abstract Emotional attraction involves feeling a deep connection to another person. When there is an emotional attraction together with romance, it ends up building a strong relationship. The context of this paper is establishing how romance and emotional connection relate to each another. Attraction is experiencing an emotional connection towards someone. It can be more than physical in cases where an individual has romantic feeling to the one that heshe is attracted to. In cases where couples...

Psychology -Body Image and Stress

The purpose of this research was to test the prediction that exposure to extremely thin celebrity pictures leads to low body-esteem in college aged women resulting in high stress levels, and exposure to more realistic celebrity pictures leads to high body-esteem. Using ANOVA, all the independent variables were compared with the celebritys body type. .  A correlation was performed on all the independent variables as well to establish whether there was any relationship between body esteem, body...

The Influence of Attachment Cognitive

This study seeks to analyze attachment theory and cognitive behavioral therapy. It will review the major proponents in attachment theory namely John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth. It will demonstrate the sub-divisions of attachment theory namely secure attachment, ambivalent-insecure attachment, and avoidant-insecure attachment and disorganized-insecure attachment. It will explore the views of Aaron Beck, who is an American psychiatrist. It will illustrate how cognition plays an essential role in behavior...

Older Patients Understanding Medical Emergency Article critique

Research Questions The research attempted to answer four main questions What kind of information concerning the patients state and treatment do family members and older patients ask nurses and physicians in the emergency department To what extent do older patients and families comprehend the information provided by the emergency department Do older patients and members families get satisfactory information from the staff in emergency department What is the difference between older patients and family...


Consider the role of feedback loops in the biological mechanisms that control at least two different human behaviours. Critically evaluate the evidence and assess whether disruption of the process can account for the corresponding abnormal human Bodily functions are regulated with the help of central nervous system and endocrine system. Hormones and neurological functions regulate eating and sleeping behavior in humans. Hormones play very important role in well-being of a person. In bad mood or...