Counseling Children in a Community Setting

This article deals with the effects of loss on children of both a primary and
secondary nature. Events such as the death of a parent or friend and the resulting
consequences can be difficult for a child to deal with, depending on what stage they are
at developmentally. Other losses such as personal possessions, those resulting from
abuse or a sudden change in a childs life can also be difficult (Goldman, 2004).

The author also discusses, according to Piagets developmental theory, how
children deal with loss. Younger children can often have trouble understanding why a
loved one died may connect an event to the death that is not even related. Older children
are curious as to the events and reasons for the loss, tending to seek answers as to why
the death occurred. It is recommended that when speaking to children about death, an
age-appropriate explanation should be used. Children need to have information that
clearly defines specific type of death that has occurred, such as a murderer or an accident
(Goldman, 2004).

To help children effectively cope with a sudden loss, Goldman proffers several
options that can be productive. Having a team that focuses on supporting the child can
be very beneficial to bereavement counseling. This team has members from the family,
school and includes the counselor. The team assesses exactly what losses have occurred
to the child and what developmental stage the child is at. Based on this information, the
team can set up a plan for supporting the child (2004).

Other methods that can be used to help the child include helping the family
communicate about the death, support groups, play therapy and focusing on early
intervention. The author stresses the importance of having an all-around knowledge of
the circumstances and that considering the consequences that the loss will have on a
childs whole life experience (Goldman, 2004).


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