The Effects of Video Games on Students

Video games have increasingly become popular among students in the past few decades and have now become a cash cow with enormous financial success. Videogames have particularly impacted young people and students on the manner in which they spend their leisure time. The most important areas that have drawn the interest of most researchers is the negative consequences brought about by violent games among students, the application of video games on training and educational purposes and the general...

The Euthanasia Debate

Euthanasia or mercy killing as it is often called  is the act of deliberately killing a person for that his or her own benefit. It is carried out when a dying person requests for it, although in some instances it may be carried out on a dying person who cannot be able to make such a request. However, there some other cases where patients want to die, though they may not necessarily be having terminal illnesses (BBC, 2010). Euthanasia has been a topic of debate for many years, with no universally...

Examining the Psychological Facets of THE BOND

THE BOND is a classic work that covers a subject that has been examined many times over the past several decades. The subject of the book deals with issues related to absentee fathers in the African-American community. In particular, this work deals with the struggles and tribulations of three African-American men reflecting on how growing up in the inner city of Newark, NJ without a father in the home impacted their lives. What makes this work so outstanding is that in addition to the insight it...

Role of care giver

Dissociative Identity disorder is a complex disease and the people who are living with the patient or the persons involved in the medication and therapy of the patient have a complex task at hand. Most common cause of dissociative identity disorder is a traumatic experience in the childhood which can be sexual abuse or other form of abuse of the child through a near relation. A combination of therapy and medication is used to treat patient. The therapist and family that is providing care to the...

Cognitive Learning

Cognition comes from the Latin word cognescere which means to come to know (Merriam-Webster). Theories concerned with cognition focus on processes of thought and behavior resulting from the said processes. These processes deal with aptitude and capacity to learn, learning styles and is also the basis of the educational approach known as constructivism (Atherton, 2009). There are several theories on cognitivism but none have the capacity to fully explain the process of cognition. Two important theories...

Interview with an Adolescent

The stages of development have very distinctive characteristics that interest any academia. However, adolescents were the particular interest to Erickson. There are immense changes that the adolescent will undergo. In understanding the inherent and distinctive changes during adolescence, I did have one on one interview with Fortune, a 15 years old adolescent. The interview revealed a myriad of challenges, confusion and utter self insecurity within the inner self of Fortune. The interview offered...

Psychology of Drugs

Drug addiction is considered to be that state of mind in which there is a contact between the human being and the drug. During this interaction, the human mind experiences loss of senses and feelings of intoxication (Hamilton, Kings  Ritter, Alison, 2003) On constant and recurring usage, the addicts may undergo supernatural or intoxicating effects. This paper seeks to analyze and evaluate the psychology of drug addictions in the lights of broad and diverse academic resources. At the same time,...

Social, Legal and Ethical Issues

Overview of the session It is always good to test the waters before taking the full dive and the counseling experience I held with my client helped me attest to this. This counseling session not only gave me an insight to issues that I will have to deal with in my professional career but also opened my eyes to some of the shortcomings that I will have to work on to ensure that in future I get to be an effective professional counselor. The session ran for almost twenty minutes and by the end I guess...

Parenting and Schooling a Learning-Disabled Son

Literature review Adams Story The article Parenting and Schooling a Learning-Disabled Son talks about a boy who has learning difficulties and his parents struggles to help him in overcoming the difficulties. The writer focuses on the challenges that face the disabled boy and his parents hence exposing the theme of the article. The theme sheds light on what the story is about, whom the story is featuring, the storys settings and timelines as well as the happenings of the story. The theme has captured...