The Effects of Video Games on Students

Video games have increasingly become popular among students in the past few decades and have now become a cash cow with enormous financial success. Videogames have particularly impacted young people and students on the manner in which they spend their leisure time. The most important areas that have drawn the interest of most researchers is the negative consequences brought about by violent games among students, the application of video games on training and educational purposes and the general consequences of entertainment video games. Apart from the negative impacts of video games among the students, there are other potential applications of video games in leaning institutions, which make video games to be important and avoid being perceived with a negative judgment (Gentile, 2004).

There are a number of reasons why students choose to play video games. Some of these advantages are directly related to the merits of playing the video games. It has proved to be a fun moment playing video games. The highly advanced graphics and excellent computer-user interaction makes the video games to be highly sought for.  Video games break the boredom of the day and can turn a day filled with distress to great joy. Individuals burdened with tension can choose to play video games to enable them reduce the tension to some level (Gentile, 2004). Video games play a critical role among students who may wish to become games developers. The video games are the starting for mastering the art of game design. It follows that one has to   appreciate what is existing in order to create novel products after improving the already present state. These games therefore act as an introduction to students who wish to develop games for fun or for commercialization.

Negative Impacts of Video Games on Students
There are a number of compelling arguments that have been made against video games among students. The empirical studies on the effect of media has resulted to researchers getting more and more interested on the impact of video games on their users. Results have shown that video games have great impacts of the psychological and social standpoints, impacting the users explicitly and implicitly (Bushman  Anderson, 2001). Although, video games have become popular over the recent years, empirical research has shown that this popularity is not of the same magnitude as that of other forms of media.  Most of the negative effects of video games result due to too much violence that is incorporated in the video games (Bushman  Anderson, 2001). Impacts of human health have also been suggested to be among the leading problems of video games among students. The excessive spending of time and resources is also one of the ways students can negatively be impacted by computer and video games (Walsh, Liner, Lynch  Gentile, 2004).

Thorough investigation into the effect of violent video games began some three centuries ago and still gains more extensive research in the current world. Violent video games have been associated with more intense aggressive feelings than the non-violent ones (Bushman  Anderson, 2001). Majority of the negative influence of video games are associated with the cause of violence among their users. More aggressive thoughts, behaviors and feelings develop in students who frequently play video games than the one who dont play them. The students who constantly play video games present a decreased pro-social support according to researcher in the filed (Bushman  Anderson, 2001).

The violent nature of most of the video games make the students emulate and become violent as required in most of the games (Tamborine, Smith,  Lanchlan, 2005). In most violent video games, players are awarded for being violent the more violent the players are, the more the points one is awarded. The player is in full charge of the experiences and the violence acts such as stabbing, killing or kicking that is frequently required in most games in order to score higher (Tamborine, Smith,  Lanchlan, 2005). The repetitive kicking and stabbing act as important elements in learning behavior

Another impact of video games is the risk of developing repetitive motion injury which has been observed among the users of videogames as well as computers. Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of such disorders of repetitive motion injury. As individuals play highly interactive games that provide great graphic user interface (GUI), they end up developing problems with their musculature (Chan  Rabinowitz, 2006).

Researchers have linked video games to adverse conditions related to the autonomic nervous system (Tamborine, Smith,  Lanchlan, 2005). Video games evoke tension and cause fear among the students who play them. The fear and tension causes a long term effect to the autonomic nerves. Autonomic nerves are tightly connected to the internal organ processes which are coordinated involuntarily (Tamborine, Smith,  Lanchlan, 2005). Examples of such processes include heart rate and breathing. Electric signals originating from the emotional centers of the brain or sometimes from chemical signals such as norepinephrine and epinephrine have been suggested to alter the heart rate. Norepinephrine and epinephrine are hormones which act as chemical messengers and are released in times of dangers (Tamborine, Smith,  Lanchlan, 2005). These chemicals are produced when individuals play video games and can result to serious health complications such as alteration of blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen intake. The implication of the effect of video games on the heart rate clearly shows that the brain interprets events during playing video games as real danger.

The effect of video games to the brain has been established (Kardaras, 2008). Thanks to advanced technologies that scan the brain and brain activities. Students who play video games get so wrapped up to an extent of forgetting their surrounding and beginning to perceive events occurring in the video games as real. Apart from the video games causing heart rate and effects to the breathing system, they reduce the activity of the prefrontal lobe when individuals are playing the game (Kardaras, 2008). Perhaps this effect best explains why students who play video games become more and more emotional and aggressive. Supporters of video games have argued that not all type of video games because such problems with the brain function are only caused by violent video games (Kardaras, 2008). They suggest that there are other gentle videogames that are even friendly to children.  At the design level, game makers have even made efforts to include voices of females in games that are mostly played by children in the Pre School going level.

A possible exposure to electromagnetic radiations has been suggested among the students who frequently play video games (Kardaras, 2008). These radiations originate from computer monitors and can cause great dangers to the brain and other critical parts of the body such as the kidneys and the liver (Kardaras, 2008). The effect of electromagnetic radiations has been known in history and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration always makes efforts to set out guidelines which regulate the exposure of electromagnetic radiations (Kardaras, 2008). The risk of exposure however varies with the positioning of the monitor in relationship to the user.

Other claims have raised concern over the cause of obesity among students (National Institute on Media and the Family, 2001). It has been argued that too much video playing makes students not to take more physical exercise and instead sit the entire day playing the video games. The rate of metabolism is lowered with the fats accumulating in the adipose tissues when individuals dont take enough physical activities. The accumulated fats may cause other related problems such as heart attack, coronary thrombosis and diabetes (National Institute on Media and the Family, 2001). However, sedentary nature among students alone cannot be blamed of the incidence of abortion. It means therefore than other primary causes of obesity still exist and sedentary should not be blamed al times.

Positive Effects of Video Games
Video games have gained more entry and support in learning and research institutions. The modern computers can process millions of commands giving them the capacity to do numerous simulations within a nanosecond (Gentile, 2004). Modern computer processors are a million times faster than the Apollo spacecraft which landed on the surface of the moon. The recognition of computers and video games came to be viable in the last three decades when it became compulsory for all the classrooms to be equipped with computers (Gentile, 2004). Since 1980s, computers have been a great resource in teaching and learning. It has now jokingly been suggested that computers are soon replacing human teachers in the classrooms. Research in artificial intelligence and gaming is still underway to develop robots that are fully conscious. Some video games such as home console games have been shown to have potential benefits to students in the learning process (Gentile, 2009).

Video games are excellent teachers. Since students always find them very motivating by virtue of the interactive feature they present, because of their interactive nature. The games often provide a repetitive practice that will enable the students learn and understand concepts better (Gentile, 2004). Health skills and self care practices for individuals with diabetes and asthma can be gained from video games that are designed to offer the specialized functions. The video games have a positive impact in imparting skills, attitudes and behaviors to students who are the main target of the games.  The actual skills are improved when students play video games. In an observation that was made among the students studying surgery, the visual and spatial attention skills were highly developed which is important in medical students (Gentile, 2004).

In some states, computers are not common to everyone and the development of technology is still in its low tune (Oak, 2010). However, video games have been made available and can be played using some other electronic gadgets other than computers such as VCD players. This availability of gaming technology has introduced majority of students into the field of information technology. Students learn basic skills such as giving commands to the video game player by pressing buttons on their joysticks or other game controlling accessories (Oak, 2010). Although students might not be willing to learn more aspects of information technology, the availability of games on the internet has made them to master internet browsing skills which they could not gain were it not for the video games.

Most video provide significant practice on how to follow instructions (Gentile, 2004). The design of majority of video games allows stepwise following of instructions. Failure to learn the instructions means failing to score higher marks. Therefore, the player commits himself or herself reading through all the steps in a keen manner. As the players read through the instructions, they ensure that they have understood how the game is played (National Institute on Media and the Family, 2001). They can then play the game without the need to refer to the instructions. These forms of skills gained from video games can benefit students in terms of paying more attention to every single detail. In their future careers, the students become keen to details in their workplace, a character most envied by investors and managers.

Some games are very challenging. They often involve input of more logic thinking and tactics of problem solutions. As the students engage in these games, they find themselves being smart in the way they approach problems. Their ways of thinking changes as complex logic is heavily needed in paying the game just like the real-life situations. It may even be complex to solve problems playing video games than cracking problems in everyday life (National Institute on Media and the Family, 2009). Logical thinking is not only important for human survival but it is also important in the workplace where the students will in the future be required to practice managerial decision. Managerial decision making is critical in the growth of an organization. Apart from the students taking up managerial positions in their future career, video games can equip someone to play an active role as a team player who can be a good asset to organizations and companies.

Perhaps the most important aspect in a family is living together and having unity. Video games cut the disparity among family members bringing together parents close to their children (Gentile, 2004). Parents can play video games with their fathers and mothers hence enhancing good cohesiveness in the family. Communication among members of the family is enriched and issues are discussed together. The closeness of parents to their children make it possible for the children to be free with them and can make any requested they choose to (Gentile, 2004). Being free with their parents, the children can share more complex issues such as matters to do with their sex life which is important. Unlike the students who do not get close with their parents, the students who maintain closeness to their parents have lots of benefits while in campuses and colleges. They can freely request for financial support from the parents instead of living with the problem or handling the problem single-handedly (Gentile, 2004).

Another area that is gaining more and more attention is the application of video games in alternative medicine. Several interventions have been made which helps patients recover from certain chronic illnesses without the use of orthodox medicine. The conventional medicines are suggested to have an array of side effects which range from damage to the liver and kidneys to several allergic reactions in the bodies of patients (National Institute on Media and the Family, 2001). Video games have been suggested to help reduce symptoms of depression which are common in most bipolar disorders and borderline personality disorders (BPD). There is an established connection between the influences of video games on the human brain function. Since video games involve some commitments of the brain in active process, they can greatly help individuals forget all the stress that afflict them (National Institute on Media and the Family, 2001). Stress is at the peak levels when someone is in total rest and the brain finds an opportunity to rummage over the past events.

Puzzle games such as the most popular Tetris have taken an emergent standpoint which makes video games not to have always an eye of blame by several activists. Tetris for instance, stimulates the mind through the challenges and puzzles that are channeled by the player instead of the enemies of the world. Students often play the video games in order to remain sober, active and alert (National Institute on Media and the Family, 2009). This ideology has been supported by a number of researchers who have associated video games with some healing powers. Video games are relaxing and very soothing. The video games can easily be altered in order to fit individuals. For instance, video games can be created to address problems faced by different types of people (Oak, 2010). Researchers have used video games in the management and therapeutic intervention although research progress in this area is all about mentally ill or with people with having problems with their brains has become an important aspect in human life today. As the economic downturn sweeps credit cards and people become increasingly worried of their dollars in the banks, video games have acted as the best entertainment among people of all ages. Importantly is the role of video games in entertainment. Students are constantly met with challenging situations in schools and campuses (Oak, 2010). For instance, financial, social and academic problems are common among campus students. Examination period can prove to be a very testing period and often associated with stress. Management of finances among most students is a difficult aspect especially the ones who use alcohol and other drugs. Video games have been the sole entertainment apart from music and movies (National Institute on Media and the Family, 2001). Unlike movies and music, video games involve the use of both mind and body. Individuals have to fully participate mentally and physically making video games to be exceptional entertainment mode for students.

The coordination between hands and eyes is heightened. Students who play video games at least need to have some skills as a prerequisite to playing and scoring handsome points (National Institute on Media and the Family, 2001). The player in the video games is supposed to put him or herself into task and do something more in order to score great marks. This means that players are supposed to do several tasks at the same time. In most video games, players are supposed to move while shooting and communicating to members of the combat group to be set ready for war. In this scenario, students get into the real game taking all the possible steps to ensure that all is done well in order to get good award of marks (Gentile, 2004). For effective playing of the video games, the players are supposed to have a good coordination of the eyes and the hands as well as the improvement of the visual-spatial ability. Researchers have shown evidence that suggest that there are solid relationships between paying video games and the improvement of the eyes and hands condition.

Students exploit the potential of video games in the simulation process. A simulation is the ability of an interactive multimedia element to mimic some events in the real life phenomena. In the industry, among the most known simulations occur in the aviatio006E industry where the reality of a flying plane is mimicked in a video game (National Institute on Media and the Family, 2001). All the airplane controls such as the wing angles, airspeed, and altimeter and so forth are simplified and can be accessed through the touch of a button. Students have found many gains from the simulations as they are able to relate normal life situations with what they see on the screen. The video games can therefore be said to be mind openers on various complex phenomena that are difficult for the students to decipher.

Although it has already been argued that most video games cause antisocial behaviors, the games have appositive impact towards the development of the social value in the family (National Institute on Media and the Family, 2001). Students who have mastered the games may spend time teaching their juniors, seniors or even their own parents. Thorough this, the parents can easily notice some of the special features that the children possess. They can therefore be able to identify where the children belong in terms of talents and in various skills. In addition, majority of video games are now being played by more than one person at the same time. Students share game playing with their sibling and friends thus improving their social relationships with diverse groups of people (National Institute on Media and the Family, 2009).

While proponents have argued that video games particularly the ones that contain violent scenes lead to the students developing aggressive and violent characters, video games have been shown to significantly reduce this very same aggression (Gentile, 2004). The student learns a lot from the game. They learn how to survive in difficult situations. It is obvious that no parent would love to see his or her child to shooting people on the streets or acting violently towards some light scenarios which should not cause any reaction. Instead, researchers have suggested that video games do the opposite of what they are expected of. The students no longer fight their siblings nor throw tantrums they often channel their anger in the most constructive manner. They can now act passively towards situations in the real world. Critics have even suggested that situations such as playing football can be most violent among students than playing video games on computers and VCD (National Institute on Media and the Family, 2001). In football for instance, players are advised to become violent in the field in case their team is on a losing end. This is a situation that creates a controversy that video games are not such violent as it may compare with other games such as football and netball.

Some of the recommendations should be adopted by parents in order to ensure that students always use the video games in an appropriate manner. All the violent video games not should be allowed in the house (National Institute on Media and the Family, 2001). They can however be encouraged to play challenging video games which do not need to have so violent characters or harsh voices which might make other stock. By looking at the front cover of the cover when purchasing video games, one should be keen not to choose those that have aspects of sex, nudity and violence (Gentile, 2004). When shopping for video games, one should ensure that he or she considers that games are played by multiple players. This encourages group play which brings being duty. It is also recommended that before purchasing any online video games, one to be keen on the description of the games before purchasing.

The choice one has to make on which video game to play does not start when one is in the university or college. This quality develops and becomes fully functional as one attains adult age. Individuals can choose to play any kind of video games that can be fine with them (National Institute on Media and the Family, 2001). Although the violent video games may also have significant effects to students in colleges or universities, there is little to be done in the limiting this group of population from engaging themselves in such games. Perhaps the government should increase the levy on all violent video games. Self discipline is important to ensure the student dont waste enormous resources and time playing games

It remains to be factual that majority of video games are full of fun and appropriate to be used by students in diverse applications. Although violent video games may be linked to an increased aggressive behavior, other non-violent video games are friendly to use even to the Pre School going children. It therefore means that the demonizing of all video games is not empirical and justice action and video games should be encouraged among the youth who are increasingly becoming more attracted to the technology (National Institute on Media and the Family, 2001). It is agreed that video games may cause some forms of addiction. Sitting on the front of the screen for a long time and playing the games each and every day causes one to develop addiction since the process is repeated over and over (Bushman,  Anderson, 2001). The cumulative effects of computers, video games and televisions have also come into great debate. It is healthy for the parents to keep monitoring their children over the use of video games and put some limits. The same way the television is highly monitored to avoid bad content the video games deserve to be watched closely.


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