The Seeds That Grew

In the article, Safe as a woman,  Melissa talks about two seeds that grew inside her. The first seed was that of homosexuality, which became a part of her from the age of seven. The author does not give a specific reason for her sexual orientation. In fact, Melissa herself is confused about her affinity towards girls instead of boys. So, when Melissa, a devout Christian reads a particular paragraph in the Bible berating homosexuals, she feels dejected. Acceptance by society is desired...

Diagnosing a Mental Disorder Using the DSM IV and Designing a Therapy Plan

Diagnosis Dependent Personality Disorder, Axis II, Cluster C anxious and fearful Symptoms Agnes displays six of the eight specified criteria provided by The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV text revision (as cited in Perry, n.d.) indicated by the following Need for others to assume responsibility for her life. She has become extremely reliant on her daughter and she insists that she accompany her in everything she does Difficulty in expressing disagreement with others. This...

Psychology DSM Disorder

This paper is to show and present articles to show the investigation of a specific mood or mental disorder. The main objective of the paper is to define DSM and mental disorder. TheDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), is the standard classification of mental disorders used by mental health professionals in the United States. It is published by the HYPERLINK httpadd.about.comodglossaryahgAPA.htm American Psychiatric Association. The DSM contains a listing of psychiatric disorders...

Constructing a Five-Axial Diagnosis Using DSM-IV-TR

Agnes lives in a relatively constant state of worry and diffused uneasiness. She is scared to be left alone and is troubled about a  heart disease  which the doctor assures her has no pathology and is probably a result of nervousness and strain. She lives in anxious apprehension, which is defined as a future-oriented mood state in which a person attempts to be constantly ready to deal with upcoming events (Barlow, Chorpita,  Turovsky, 1996). This mood state is characterized by high...

A Comparative Article Analysis on Milgrams Study of Obedience and Festinger and Carlsmiths Research on Cognitive Dissonance

This paper attempts to analyze two experiments, one focused on destructive obedience and the other on cognitive dissonance, their complementary perspectives in the decision-making as well as the different thought process of immoral behavior. BEHAVIORAL STUDY OF OBEDIENCE Stanley Milgrams research first published in the Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, involved forty males aged between 20 and 50 years of age, recruited from New Haven area.  They were obtained by responding to a newspaper...

Journal Article Review

Abstract The paper provides a review of the article from the Development Psychology journal. The summary and research design are discussed. The article adds to the current state of knowledge about human emotional and cognitive development. Dearing, E., Wimer, C., Simpkins, S.D., Lund, T., Bouffard, S.M., Caronongan, P.  Kreider, H. (2009). Do neighborhood and home contexts help explain why low-income children miss opportunities to participate in activities outside of school Developmental Psychology,...


1.Identify your overall goal (athletic or otherwise) and write it outusing valid goal setting principles  write out your outcome goal(largeroverall objective), at least two intermediate goals that wouldbe very specific steps to getting there, and at least three task goals(specific activities) for each of your intermediate goals. Be veryorganized so that this is easy to read  use bullets or outlineformat. You must use valid goal setting principles regardingspecificity, timelines, etc....

Drug Addiction and other addictive Behaviors

Addiction can be defined as the persistent behavioral pattern that is marked by physical andor psychological tolerance or dependency which is displayed by a significant interruption of the persons system leading to physical, social and psychological manifestation of the need to take the substance (s).  This could result in social withdrawal, hostility, impaired cognitive ability of physical displays of weight loss or reddening of the eyes. These characteristics vary with substance type, dosage...


The aim of the study was to determine whether making eye contact with an audience while rendering a speech directly increase the anxiety level of a person as manifested by physical changes.  The level of sweating, anxiety and speech performance were recorded in 105 participants while they maintained an eye contact with the observant and while they faced a wall upon delivery of a speech.  The participants were grouped into four and took turns to be subject and experimenter.  A rating...

Classical Conditioning

Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist and a Nobel Prize winner who lived in the years between 1849 and 1946 made major contribution in the field of learning by association. He is known as the scientist who discovered and theorized classical conditioning. Over the years, despite the fact that the initiator of this concept was a physiologist and not a psychologist, the concept has developed to the point that it is now a necessity for almost every psychologist regardless of whether practicing or studying...

Evaluating Therapeutic Counseling in Relationships of Couples, Marriages, and Families

This essay explores several realities about marriage and family counseling in order to shed light on the purpose of having therapeutic counseling specifically intended for these social groups. Marriages and families are the most important basic unit that a person can belong to. Issues that arise from these units are sensitive and even harmful to many people. In dealing with them, therapists have to be careful in assessing each members contribution to the problem while also not forgetting to deal...