Historic Events

The foundation of career counseling in the United States remains to be an essential component shaping the development and growth of careers within the country. Not only has it brought about new dimensions to the field of labor but it has also diversified the process wherein individuals and groups came to be represented. By carefully understanding the issues that have shaped this formal process, better insights can be gained on its capacity to induce and provide responsiveness to the changing environment.

One important even that I believe remained to be essential in changing the direction of career counseling would be the foundation of the Internet. With such expansion during the late 90s, it has brought about increased openness among professionals and patients. These then served as a cultivating component that forever changed the way people view and understand career counseling. The processes associated with recruitment, study, and statistics became readily available to whoever wishes for it to be seen.

However, the drawback of this shift revolves around the redirecting of conventional methods towards career counseling. It can be seen that there is now a direction towards finding the appropriate strategies and methods related to the process that professionals have to bear in mind (American Counseling Association, 2010). Not to mention the additional training to increase skills and competency to handle the process.

Another aspect that is vital to the change of career counseling would be the post 911 attacks. Since the dawn of this tragedy, career counseling professionals have made a new approach in handling and addressing the capabilities among individuals. It took into consideration other related factors that shapes and improves the processes associated with its development. In essence, the value on how employments are assessed, develop and created is taken into consideration especially with the threats to the countrys security.

The drawback of these rethinking remained focused on the inequality and prejudice that has happened after post 911. The trauma of the violence created new directions on how employment and jobs are assessed. It now became an important consideration for many especially those who remain resentful to what happened in New York and other parts of the US. It then resulted to reorganizing and rethinking what steps could be made possible to prevent such occurrences especially a few years after the tragedy.


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