How the four goals of psychology help or hurt humanity

Four main goals of psychology include the portrayal of a behavior, explanation of the occurrence of these demeanors, prediction of the future events in relation to these behaviors and the last goal is brining changes in these behaviors and the associated mental processes.

In the year of 1911, the father of psychology, Wilhelm Wundt believed that in the modern days, the four main goals of psychology are no longer helpful for the humanity. All of the experiments that have been conducted by him conclude the fact that the human being is composed of flesh, blood as well as bones. These three things are physiological thereby the human behaviors are controlled by their physiology. Referring to the goals of humanity that have been laid down by the psychologists, they can be helpful for the human beings but they can also hurt the humanity. This is the fact that has been explicated by Wilhelm Wundt. He believed in experimental psychology and his studies have helped many oppressive governments to gain control over there people.

There have been currently no findings that can suggest the physical reasons of the origination of depression and insanity. Still there are many diseases that are being studied by the psychologists and these diseases have been explained by using many phrases and the psychologists try to use the scientific sounding phrases so as to build on to the solutions of these behaviors. For instance, Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), is a kind of the chemical imbalance in the body, and the individuals thereby have lesser attention towards many tasks. If the patient suffering from ADHD goes to the psychologist, it is said to the patients that the disorder can be only corrected by using a certain medicine. The righteous patient can put a question to the psychologist asking about the chemical that is imbalanced, resulting in the particular condition, to which the psychologist has no answer but responds by adding that the queries are just, but at the moment he is only sure of the presence of the chemical imbalance. In addition, the chemical is not known yet although the studies are being conducted.

Thereby the idea of a patient regarding a psychologist being a scientist is truly falsified leading the patient to believe that he has been believing on the false truth. The patient in a perplexing situation himself, starts to recommend for the best possible examination of the condition and to discover the truth thereby the patient may ask for an EEG and in this case, the psychologist unexpectedly has to agree to the fact that the patient is curios regarding the reason of illness so the psychologist agrees for an EEG examination. The EEG examination is an example and a recommendation for a second opinion and here it has to be seen that the patient himself has given the opinion but here the psychologist says that the disease is undeniably there but the additional examination is no issue.

The case here can be summarized by saying that the patient is curious because he knows in his soul and his heart that the condition at the present that he has, does not allow him to concentrate on the lessons that may seem boring to the patient and this is the situation that cannot be regarded as an illness by the patient. The patient in this case is sure that the concentration that was required for the particular task was too low of a level. The patient is sure by now that the non conformity has been leading him into troubles and he is not ready to accept the fact that the lower concentration is an illness thereby questioning the psychologist, who he has been trusting as an erudite scientist, comes next. The patient is not ready to accept the diagnosis that has been given to him in the form of an illness that is referred as a chemical imbalance with a set of pills, which according to the psychologist can cure the condition of the patient thus improving the concentration levels.

As a conclusion here, it can be said that the four goals of humanity have been made in order to understand the occurrences of any abnormal behaviors in the human beings, to learn about the best reasons underlying the situations, and to find the cures. But on the other hand, there are conditions to which the psychologist still have no answers and these unanswered questions confuse the inflicted ones as there are no answers to the questions that the inflicted ones have thus hurting the humanity that very much depends on the erudite ones.


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