The Impact of Stigma A Reflection Paper

My nephew, now 7 years-old, is handsome. In fact, if I were to be asked, I would say that he stands out as the most handsome toddler from among his male-siblings and cousins. Perhaps, because he is handsome, his childhood was peppered with attention and favors from his family. But when he turned 4, and the time for him to attend primary schooling started, things turned out quite differently. It would be learned that he had strains of mental retardation. He was not really within the borders of what...

Neural Plasticity

Neural plasticity, also referred to as brain plasticity, is the phenomenon where neurons in the brain change their structure, functionality and organization as a response to new experiences (Huttenlocher, 2002). When the brain undergoes new experiences as triggered by external factors, nerve connections can either strengthen or weaken. Additionally, the external experience may trigger the generation of new neurons in the brain. Neural plasticity has become one of the most vital areas of neuroscience...

Article Review

The study being reviewed was conducted by Maire Ford and Nancy Collins.  The study was a study using the independent variable of an ambiguous rejection of the study subject, and depending on the level of self-esteem, the expected reaction would differ, as would the level of cortisol in the subject due to the stress of the rejection.  The study not only proved its own hypothesis but it also gave credibility to those similar studies previously conducted on similar topics.  The newest...

SEQ CHAPTER Values and Tradition How they foster a successful adult

An increasing body of research shows that traditions and family stability are critically important in the development of a well-adjusted and productive young adult. In a time when stability is decreasing because of socio-economic factors this is a particularly important concept. Fortunately it is possible to achieve a sense of stability and belonging in more than one type of family structure. The degree to which there is a sense of belonging within the family is a strong predictor as to a sense...

Optic ataxia and apraxia

Optic ataxia and apraxia are common disorders which have some differences and share some similarities. This paper will seek to address the similarities and the differences that the two exhibit in terms of anatomy and their behavior or characteristics.   Optic ataxia manifests itself when one has impairment when it comes to visual control of the direction of arm reaching to a visual target.  The impairment in visual control is also accompanied by a defective orientation of the hand as...

A Critique of the Human Science Approach to Psychology

It seems as if the primary issue at hand, and to be examined, is the goal of a Human Science approach to Psychology. One the one hand it asks the question of what type of knowledge is produced through personal refection, which implies that the human part of the human science orientation is only concerned with the understanding of the subjective side of the human psychological processes. This process includes gaining an understanding of the meaning and relevance of values, experiences, and culture...


Individuals suffering from psychological health issues were normally accommodated inside psychiatric institutes but at the present, within the United States, they are more and more being detained in prison. If reality, one out of each 10 patients are at present accommodated behind bars with the common prisoner populace, which currently represents more than an approximated 500 000 of those detained around the state. The New Asylum movie is a one hour movie which is set in Ohio prison system where...

Top of Form

Introduction statement of the problem and definition of dementia           Dementia is a mental disease that manifests itself through loss of ability to make proper judgments related to life of a normal person. It is characterized by progressive loss of cognitive ability caused either by aging or consumption of alcohol in large quantities for a long period of time. However, despite the fact that many people think that dementia is associated with the old the discussion will...

Podcast Women Offenders

There is a surprising increase in the number of women who are murdering their own children and molesting children.  Women who murder their own children do not have a specific profile or outward appearance which would make it easier to identify these individuals.  Post partum conditions such as depression or psychosis offer some explanation to the heinous behaviors.  Women who develop post partum psychosis have a 4 chance of killing their own child or children according to Natasha...

Podcast Addiction

The nature of addiction is like a downward spiral.  Science now views addiction in two ways.  The medical identity of addiction focuses on the disease model, while the other view simply views the individual addict as morally a bad seed.  Addicts can be addicted to illegal drugs, alcohol, or prescription drugs.  Addicts often speak of wanting to quit or having tried to quit, but then something happens and before they realize it they are using again.  These patterned behaviors...

The Healthy Person, According to Rogers and Maslow

Both Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow describe a healthy person as one who challenges him- or herself to be fully human.  For Maslow, the definition of full humanity does not only include the desire to actualize ones potential but also the capability to actually do the same.  Rogers, on the other hand, describes a healthy personality as a process, which may be understood as a lifelong challenge to keep oneself fit and able not only to surmount difficulties in life but also to stay content...