Psychological Research The Plight of Mothers with Children

It is well known that many single mothers are under pressure to find ways to provide financial care for their children.  Single mothers are often so busy providing their primary responsibility of child care that they do not have time to engage in full time employment.  Fathers are often the primary wage earners and have the obligation to extend financial support to mothers with children.

Unfortunately, when the actual needs of children are calculated in comparison to what single mothers receive from fathers, there is often a shortage of support being paid to the mothers for the children.
There is much research linking financial hardship with stress, and it is highly possible that women who receive less financial help than they need to support their children are suffering from anxiety, depression, and other psychological disturbances.  In aiming to take a closer look at the psychological state of mothers who receive less support from fathers than their children need, this research aims to quantify and qualify the financial needs of children with the mental health of their single mothers.

By utilizing a survey questionnaire, single mothers will be asked about the circumstances regarding the financial needs of their children and correlated with questions regarding possible stress and mental health concerns.  The hypothesis of this research study is that single mothers who receive less support than their children need are suffering from an increase in psychological disorders.  The remedy to this problem is hypothesized as being centered on successful advocacy of the needs of children and their single mothers who are busy with the primary responsibility of child care.  Fathers need to be pressured by State agencies to provide timely and adequate support to single mothers with children.


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