The influence of parent-child relationship on the criminal behavior among adolescents

The role of family discord with regard to child outcomes is quite important. According to Rhee and Weldman, 2002, for children and adolescents the environment is the most significant factor influencing their behavior. Gottfredson and Hirschi (1990) noted that adolescents who become offenders appear to have little control over their desires, and that this lack is largely rooted in family child rearing practices. A static shows that children are at a fifty percent  greater risk of engaging in...

Stigma of Mental Illnesses

Time has gone when mentally ill patients received mere medical care from healthcare professionals. More intervention has to be sought to help our individuals suffering from mental illnesses. One of these interventions is the avoidance of stigmatization towards the mental illnesses. Most of the problems faced by mentally-ill patients are caused by those around them, their family members, friends and other relatives (Fink  Tasman, 1992). Although it is against the medical ethics to mistreat mentally...

Stress Management Methods

Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances.Thomas Jefferson Abstract Biofeedback is an alternative therapy where instead of drugs various scientific instruments are used to measure, amplify, and feed back physiological information to the patient being monitored. This information is then used by the patient to gain self regulation of the physiological process being monitored. Biofeedback helps by setting various set points...

Describe flashbulb memories and discuss evidence on whether they are more accurate than other long-term memories

Many people remember with crystal clarity the content of all that they initially heard concerning the news of what can be referred to as a life changing occasion, for instance, the place they were, the people they were with as well as the things which they were doing in that particular place and time. Flashbulb memories are characteristically vivid, concrete, precise and long-lasting memories of a particular circumstance involving a persons discovery of shocking and outrageous events(Brown ...

Projective and Personality Tests

This essay compares and contrasts projective tests from objective psychological tests through the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Test (MMPI). Similarities and differences between the two tests were discussed as well as the theories where the said tests are based. Projective and Personality Tests Psychological tests are primarily used in measuring behavior.  These tests are usually administered in schools, companies, and mental institutions. The...

Personality tests

After discovering that each individual possessed unique qualities, behavior or characteristic traits, mans quest for self-awareness begun and therefore giving birth to a concept which come to be referred to as personality test.  Notable historical figures then devoted there time in the study of the field. An example is Hippocrates, a Greek philosopher physician who lived in the 500 BC. Cited as the first contributor of personality tests, he theorized that, the unique personality is affected...

Creating and Applying Prototypes (Cognitive Psychology)

The two terms prototype (as formulated by Eleanor Rosch) and stereotype (as formulated by Hilary Putnam) are two immensely vast areas in cognitive psychology.   These two semantic-based cognitive linguistic theories, although inter exchangeably used, are very different and distinct from one another.  A Prototype essentially is the archetype or the original model after which other similar collateral items are developed.  Out of a single prototype are born many members or stereotypes...

Major Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV-TR)

According to, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is a categorical system of classification of mental disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association that explains objective criteria to be used in diagnosing patients. Further, the website explains that each classification contains a code which provides a reference to World Health Organization (WHO) International Classification of Diseases which offers significant criteria as vital and associated...

The history and Philosophy of Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), worldwide association dedicated to the remedy of alcoholics founded 1935 by two alcoholics, one a New York broker, the other an Ohio physician. They evolved a 12-step program that has made contending with alcoholism likely for countless people. It encompasses psychological values that have long been utilized in the reorganization of personality. The association purposes through localized assemblies that have no constitutions, agents, or dues. Anyone with a consuming difficulty...

Ray Charles the Movie

The film Ray depicts several disorders.  Ray Charles at five years of age watched his four-year-old brother drown in a washtub.  This was an extremely traumatic event for the child and I believe that he developed acute stress disorder that eventually led to posttraumatic stress disorder.  This disorder in itself would affect adult decisions and behaviors.  A behavior of ASD (Acute Stress Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder) is that of increased smoking and drug and alcohol...

Cognitive Psychology

This is a paper on cognitive psychology. The first part of the paper is a definition of cognition. Provided on this section is background information on cognitive psychology. The second part of the paper is an explanation on the interdisciplinary perspective as it relates to cognitive psychology. The section reveals the interdisciplinary nature of cognitive psychology. The third past is a description on the emergence of cognitive psychology as a discipline. The last section provides an assessment...