
Schizophrenia as defined by kraepelin 1, was considered as a cerebral disease with a uniformly poor prognosis of ongoing deterioration punctuated by episodic relapse. The patients are classified as having severe illness and unremitting positive and negative symptoms, those with often deteriorating conditions may be considered for chronic institutionalization.  Those patients with schizophrenia who remained in contact with services are found to achieve a favorable clinical outcome in the long term 2. A study by Dr. D.S merchant 3 on Overview of womens mental health, points out that isolation and lacks of social support are the main psychological problems in older ages. She further stated that also government or politicians provide no community social support centers or day care centers for children of working mothers. She noted that Psychiatrists have identified that mental illnesses requires a great social support but unfortunately not the population nor government is interested in doing some thing to increase support to people. The flow chart of the various stages of therapy and basic techniques is provided in Figure below, summaries a hypothetical community counseling program incorporating services that fall into four quadrants of  Direct community service, Direct client service, Indirect community service, and Indirect client service.

Strategies to deal with the issue At individual level the patient Is actively listened to, the patient Is helped in identifying the supportive person, the patient is involved in different activities to improve the patients social network, the patient is educated with needs that are important to support the patients social live and Involves trying to explore a patients feelings. Education sessions are planned after assessing the patient. Teachings are according to the patients strength and weaknesses. In teaching first acknowledge patients feelings and make the patient self explore the reason of the illness, the patient will be able to identify the lack of support system. The patient is taught to get involved in social gathering and to talk with other patients and to share their feelings with others. After giving their teaching it is observed that a patient is involved in social activities.The second kind of support is the groups. Primary goal of a support is to increase members coping ability in the face of stress, to strengthen the central core of individuals. Counseling sessions are meant to explore patients feelings. To make a support group strategies are planned with the help of psychotherapist in identifying the same patients who are suffering from lack of social support. The implementations make the patients share their life experiences this helps them learn through each others experiences. A mini survey could be done to compare the social support system before and after the involvement with support group. Institutionally health awareness sessions can make people be aware of life needs and importance of mental health promotion. Media can be instrumental tool utilized for Speeches to convey messages to the government to resolve some psychosocial factors poverty, lack of parental support. Some steps should be done to improve poverty as this is the common factor for mental illnesses. This can be done by working through private institutions to conduct different seminars for mental health promotion, to enhance education level of the population and they them selves will take step to overcome factors responsible for mental illness. Planning a seminar at institution level would make need to be discussed in this seminar, the discussion targets population with directorial level.  Psychiatrists can be included for broadening the horizon of knowledge. After which implementation media coverage follows. To evaluate, small research could be done to see the prevalence of mental illness in the community. In addition, small questionnaires can be used to compare the knowledge level before and after the seminar.Analysis of own thinking  Learning  genetic and biochemical factors are the most prominent in causing disease. However it is not true psychosocial factors can be the most influencing one to have a disease as it is in my patients scenario.

Schizophrenia is diagnosed on the based on the symptom profile. Since individual suffer from various symptom, the diagnosis is therefore centered on the self-reported experiences of the person, and abnormalities in behavior reported by family members, friends or co-workers, which is then followed by a clinical assessment by a psychiatrist, social worker, clinical psychologist or mental health professional, whos assessment includes a psychiatric history and some form of mental status examination.

While schizophrenia treatment may include medication, it is always necessary for the patients have psychosocial treatments to help them cope with their illness, there is the need to obtain services, and become more independent. Patients who receive psychosocial treatment for schizophrenia are considered more likely to take their medication regularly and avoid relapse and hospitalization. Some kinds of treatment include.

The need of supportive therapy for schizophrenia is to help the patients cope to their illness and be able to handle the challenges of daily living. The patients therapy provided is meant to cover much-needed emotional support for the victims while simultaneously teaching them how to solve problems in their daily lives, improve their relationships, and participate in their own recovery. This form of treatment covers Illness management focus on patients education. Patients learn about common schizophrenia symptoms and problems, treatment options, and the importance of medication. This knowledge helps them take an active role in treatment and better manage their illness. People with schizophrenia can learn to monitor their progress, watch for signs of relapse, take their medication regularly, and deal with side effects. Coping with symptoms Supportive therapy can also teach people how to cope with symptoms of schizophrenia that persist despite medication and treatment. Using cognitive-behavioral techniques, patients learn to challenge delusional beliefs, ignore the voices in their heads, or motivate themselves.

Social rehabilitation teaches basic life skills to people with schizophrenia so they can function in their families or communities. There are many different types of rehabilitation programs, but the shared focus is on helping patients take care of themselves and make the most of their capabilities. Depending on the individuals personal goals and degree of illness, rehabilitation may include training in handling finances, using public transportation, communicating with others, and finding living arrangements. For those who want to work, vocational rehabilitation includes work assessment, job skills training, and assistance finding full or part-time employment.

When family members are involved in treatment, patients are considered more likely to avoid relapse and achieve a higher level of functioning. Informed family member with knowledge about the illness would be helpful in giving a clearer understanding of your loved one and the challenges of treatment and recovery.

The sort of coalition-building efforts that would be helpful in fostering the help network that would be more effectively to meet the patients need depends if the kind of need is for self or group help. For need for Self help individuals with chronic mental illness, a system that over come barriers is growing but is not as advanced as the system of self-help for the chemically dependent. Barriers to organized self-help among those with chronic mental illness include stigma, denial, and the debilitating effects of the illnesses themselves.

 The group was designed to strengthen ties with a local self-help club and to foster the idea that people with chronic mental illness can have a positive impact on the course of their illness. Mental health consumers who were successfully coping with their illnesses were guest speakers and role models for group members. The coping group, which was well received by participants, stimulated research questions and suggested potential modifications of clinical practice. In recent years, a mental health consumer movement has gathered momentum. Individuals who have been receiving psychiatric services are now clamoring for a more active role. Some self-help groups, like Recovery Inc., are primarily therapy groups concerned with personal growth. Association, are involved in supporting research and empowerment through political action as well as focusing on mutual-aid groups.

In conclusion, the relevance of the inner future for diagnosing and treating schizophrenia disorders, as it relates to the concept of future-oriented psychotherapy, combines the concept of future oriented psychotherapy, with psychiatric disorder means of categorization. The findings that are of any importance for future can be underlined by evidence from psychiatry. Time distortions in psychiatric illness can cloud the personal future of an individual and distort the view of the future and thereby disrupt goal-directed behavior. The claim for future-oriented psychotherapy is that in order to treat mental disorders, the future needs to be brought under self-control this process is featuring. It is suggested that in an organizational context, the Scenario technique or Strategic Issue Management can be applied to treat disorders. Research will be needed to explore the implications of future-oriented psychotherapy for other disorders, besides depression, schizophrenia, paranoia, and which methodologies beside the Scenario technique and Strategic Issue Management can be applied for future-oriented psychotherapy for organizations. The future is dealt with in an organization, has implications for diagnosing the mental health of an organization and for treating such disorders in an organization.


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