Learning is a very important process in the development of the intellect of any being. Learning manifests itself in varied ways at varied stages. However, the stages that were formally appreciated never so learning as a process that would be effective before birth. The invention of the baby plus technology is so timely and progressive. If the technology would be embraced on a wider spectrum, then it will be such a big boost on the learning prospects of children particularly now that most learning is initiated during the very formative stages of development.

Literature Review
The learning process is always at its best during the early stages of child development. The psychological implication here is that a learner who is nurtured adequately during the early stages of growth stands higher chances of developing substantively (Baby plus Prenatal Education System). On the other hand a learner, whose development in the formative stages is not adequate, may not develop this cognizance as adequately.

The advent of baby plus therefore offers a supplementary option for the formative developmental stages of children (Fox A M, 2000 p 132). While this innovation saliently addresses the developmental prospects of the child, there is more to it that may just render it retrogressive.

The cognitive theory of development is quite comprehensive on the nature and subsequent development of the human intellect. Piajet referred to this as the development stage theory. The theory deals with knowledge and the general acquisition of the knowledge by human beings. Further, the theory addresses the construction and the use of the very knowledge that is acquired thereof. Within this theory, language is quite contingent in the development of the cognitive abilities of the human development.

Coherently, Piajet felt that for human intelligent to be adaptive, then it should be representative of both static and transformational aspects of veracity. Within his argument the operative intelligence had a hand in the manipulations and the representation of dynamic aspects of the validity. Besides, figurative intelligent was largely responsible for the reality exhibited in the static aspects. 

The most active aspect in intelligence is operative intelligence. Within this aspect are covert and overt actions. These actions are undertaken to recover, follow and anticipate transformation of objects.  Inherently, the process involves imitations, perceptions, drawing, mental imagery and language. According to Piajet (Fox A M, 2000 p 78) representational aspects were subservient to dynamic and operative aspects and that subsequently understanding was derived from operative aspects of intelligence.
At conception, the child starts developing in the mothers womb. Subsequently the child develops some feelings and is able to detect stimulus. Apparently, according to Piajet the process of change and understanding has two basic functional components accommodations and assimilation (Baby plus Prenatal Education System). The active transforming of information into mental schemes through integration is termed as assimilation. While the fetus is in the mothers womb, communication is literally analogous and food is absorbed through .diffusion.

Accommodation on the other hand, Piajet argues, takes into consideration the particularity of persons, objects and events that fetus would be interacting with (Murphy, M. Mazzocco, M, Hanich, L B). Within Piajets preposition, both accommodation and assimilation are quite dependent on each other. Within the fetus, the processes are interactive. This is ardently learning. Furthering this cardinal course through the use of baby plus is a most welcome though with a little disguise.

As the fetus develops in the womb, the use of the baby plus assists in the building and rebuilding of the model of the world. This tickling of the mental action of the fetus increases the subsequent coordination of the fetus before and after birth. Besides, these vital processes lead to the development of mental operations. Arguably, illusions are reduced within the fetus and reduces the exposure of the fetus both before and after birth to mental errors ultimately the key objective of the development of the baby plus will be inherent attained.

Baby Plus and the Learning Process
Experiment Design
In carrying out a plausible experiment on the effectiveness of the baby plus two pregnant mothers that conceive at the same time are monitored. One of the mothers uses the baby plus while the other mother does not. After birth, intelligence tests are carried out on both children after they reach the age of six. Apparently, the intelligence of the child who was exposed to baby plus before birth is six month ahead of the other child. This is sufficient proof that the baby plus technology is a worth course.
The mother who does not use the baby plus is a control for mother who uses the baby plus. The environment is supposedly maintained at similar conditions before and after the babies are born except for the baby plus. 

Baby Plus and the Learning Process
Accordingly, the cognitive development theory is a core basic mechanism for ensuring equilibrium in relation to the environment and persons. Presumably, the environment assimilates the scheme of action that is inherently available. Practically so, the baby plus have been introduced to the environment of fetus. This is introduction of the baby plus formatively facilitates the starting process of learning.

The development of the intellect is quite continual. The field of applications that is achieved through accommodation and assimilation is largely coordinated leading a to an increased interiorisation and increased abstraction (Fox A M, 2000 p 64). Gradually, the reflecting abstraction translates to rejection of outer action attributed to the sensorimotor operations of any objects. The mental processes anticipatory and planning components are largely enhanced through the process. Given that the baby plus works on this principle of learning it scientifically and psychologically provides sufficient redress for formative learning before delivery.

The sensorimotor stages of development is of important particularly given that it does precedes the other three stages of development as a postulated by Piajet (Vachha B., Adams R C). During the stage infant do construct a lot of meaning from coordinated sensory experiences to make meaning of the world. At this stage the infant progressively moves from reflective to instinctual acts at birth to symbolic thoughts.

The introduction of the baby plus takes advantage of this characteristic behavior of the infant relative to the fetus. Apparently, the environment plays a central role in the development of the learner. The baby plus is introduced as part of the component of the fetus environment to facilitate prenatal cognitive learning.

Baby plus Products
During pregnancy the child has a very sentimental, symbiotic, mutual and meaningful attachment to the unborn child. Within the mandate of this relationship, the introduction of the baby plus provides another of the many opportunities of bonding between the mother and the unborn. In the prenatal stage, the brain is ardently at a most sensitive point of learning. The enrichment of the auditory environment is tidal in the learning of the infant. Subsequently, the capabilities of the infant to learn are improved.
The early learning advantage implies that the learners are sufficiently able to appreciate their postnatal environment if they are appropriately introduced to the environment before birth. The principle basis for the introduction of the baby plus is to acclimatize the fetus to some artificial learning environment before the natural environment (Lewis R B., Kass, C E). Ardently, babies who are exposed to the baby plus are intellectually, socially, creatively and emotionally advantaged compared to those that are not exposed to this cardinal service.
Ideally, baby plus offer a very profound gadget for tickling the fetus to start learning before birth. According to Mikhail, the gadget has only one basic demerit it is a preserve of the rich (Gail R, Evelyn L, Peter A. M). Or else it offers the way forward in converting a few averagely destined fetuses to geniuses and hence has a contribution to the transformation of the learning capabilities of the children. 
It is also argued that the babies who use the baby plus are attached compassionately to baby plus and they love the use of the gadget. When mother who had used the gadget were interviewed it emerged that the use of baby plus offered a comforting environment for the babies. Besides, the mother argues that the babies fetuses seem to appreciate, recognize, anticipate and enjoy the activity. The fetuses ordinarily respond with repeated, soft movements that normally accompany the baby plus lesson. Virtually all the mother who have made use of baby plus admit that the baby plus learning system offers tremendously bonding experience and opportunity for the fetus.

The use of baby plus are multi pronged. The prenatal education curriculum offers the fetus a relaxed and alert condition ate birth. The infants who are subjected to baby plus before birth tend to be interactive and responsive to the environment. Besides, they are visibly prepared to appreciate and absorb the environment (Sullivan, K J., Kantak, S., Burtner, P A.). This is a tidal condition for any cognitive learning process. The consistence of the sleeping pattern of the infant is defined for the children who are exposed to baby plus prenatal learning program. The sleep and wake cycle is regulated through the use of baby plus.

While there exists sufficient substantive scientific that the immune structure of a newborn that sleeps in good health and sleeps habitually is actually stronger. Besides, an obvious side benefit is that a baby who is well rested translated to a well rested parent. Research further shows that babies who undergo the prenatal learning program develop their cognitive senses ahead of their cronies in terms of their ability to walk, talk and movement of their body parts.

The utilization of Clinical and Linguistic Auditory Milestone Scale Test and the Vineland Social Maturity Scale test show an increased attention extent and extensively  improved school behavior a combination of genetically and environmentally enriched setting. Given the strength of the thinking in the children, the learners tend to perform better. During these stages the foundation of learning is laid and subsequently strengthened.

The baby plus technology is based on the principle the childs dependence on the heartbeat of the mother in understanding the environment. Ardently, the developing child finds the spoken language pretty challenging to decipher. The language of the heartbeat therefore comes in quite handy and offers literal communication with the unborn. The differentiation of rhythmic patterns emanating from the mother heartbeat gives a foundational basis for initiating learning during the prenatal stages of the fetus.

The baby plus children time and again demonstrate very high sense of fine and gross motor skills, early developmental prospects and have subsequent prolonged attention spans. Pediatrics finds the baby plus learning programs and infant activating and boosting the alertness of the learners (Hayes N, Orrell S 1993, p 139). Subsequently the baby plus are seem as strengthening the learning skills and improving the retention memory of learners.

The brain waves of the child become detectable at about 13-16 weeks after conception. Through the formative periods of development, the connection-building process persists. At the second trimester the child is able to get the sounds from the external environment. Learning, or cognitive growth, is simply the structuring of the thinking processes, which include perception, recall, language abilities, solving of problem and making of decisions.

Given that society has embraced the cognitive development theory advanced by Piajet, then the subsequent embrasure of learning from the formative developmental stages should be most welcome. The confirmation that cognitive stimulation is possible in the womb gives leeway to exploit this possibility.

The only unfortunate part about the baby plus is that we cannot plausibly observe behavior of the fetus in the womb. Research on the activity of the brain of the fetus the electrical signals of its brain showed that there was some communication.

Through electrodes, the researchers measured electrical brain signals. Several variants of a basic rock rhythm were delivered through adhesive ear-couplers worn by the newborns. When the rhythm was changed to miss the down beat, the babies brains produced an electrical response indicating that they had expected to hear that missing downbeat, but had not.
Adopted from Lewis R B., Kass, C E
From the study, simple sounds that are rhythmic in nature such as those that are the same to the mothers heartbeat - are very easy for the child to understand, are inherently innate. It can be inferred through the study that the baby who is developing has a brain that is responsive to beats. The baby can subsequently comprehend the heartbeat this is effectively utilized in the designing of baby plus.
Appreciably the idea of baby plus is preserve of the affluent though its timing would offer added value to the formative learning process of the neonate and the infant. The development of the baby plus technology, given its essence in society, should be subsidized to ensure that it can be accessed by all.

Piajet offers the cardinal developmental grounding for the introduction effective and evaluative stages of learning. The theory by Piajet concerning the importance of the interaction between the environment and the development of the child  plays a central role in the learning process. Consequently, the interactions between the mother and the child have critical implication to the learning process of the learner.

If the baby plus are introduced to the fetus, it gives the fetus a chance to commence the learning process long before birth (Hayes N, Orrell S 1993, p 146). Subsequently, the implication would be that at birth the infant is a number of learning stages ahead of the other infants not exposed to the baby plus before their birth.

Within the strength of the effectiveness and the vitality of the baby plus learning process I content that the initiative ought to be most welcome. However, the usage should be universalized to facilitate accessibility. This would be achieved through the subsidization of the baby plus gadgets. The full adoption of the baby plus learning approach will leverage the entire learning process. 


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