Ray Charles the Movie

The film Ray depicts several disorders.  Ray Charles at five years of age watched his four-year-old brother drown in a washtub.  This was an extremely traumatic event for the child and I believe that he developed acute stress disorder that eventually led to posttraumatic stress disorder.  This disorder in itself would affect adult decisions and behaviors.  A behavior of ASD (Acute Stress Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder) is that of increased smoking and drug and alcohol use.  Other disorders Ray suffered from were Heroin addiction, and Borderline Personality Disorder. 

Diagnosis Criteria
The first step in establishing treatment for acute stress disorder is to receive a professional diagnosis.  From within the guidelines of the DSM- IV-TR, a psychiatrist will look at the following criteria in determination of the disorder.  Relevant data such as background, series of events, and proposed emotional status play a role in the process.  Medications and addressing of other mental and physical issues are factors considered.  These determinations based on chemical imbalances of the brain produced by psychological problems (Axelrod, 2007). 

Mulhauser (2010) advises to reach a diagnosis of acute distress disorder the factors evaluated consist of

There is a dual primary indicative relation consisting of having witnessed a traumatic event in which death or severe injury occurred and of having an overwhelming response of horrification leading to a state of helplessness.  It was evident to me through the film that Ray was horrified in the realization that he was helpless to save his brother.  His addiction to Heroin, and alcohol was like self-treatment for his Borderline Personality Disorder. 

He may even have had feelings of guilt haunting him throughout his life.  I believe this would have a big effect on his emotional affect.

ICBS (2007) provides the emotional signs and symptoms of stress.  These symptoms
allude to an emotional disorder that could, depending on severity and time constitute a diagnosis of acute stress disorder apparent within a month of the event and short lived, or that of a posttraumatic  disorder which is chronic.  I think that Ray exhibited the following emotional signs irritation, anger and hostility, depression and withdrawal (which was evident in his blues music), restlessness and anxiousness, self-deprecating, nightmares, and weak reflexes of emotional responses. 

According to Aetna (2007) the most common behaviors associated with acute stress
Disorder and easy to recognize is the frequently exhibited increase of these behaviors if intervention does not occur nail biting, increased smoking, or use of alcohol and drugs, neglect of responsibility, poor job performance, and bad hygiene.  I see that Ray suffered from several of these behaviors at one time or another during the film.  These behaviors were indicative of a severe stress disorder, in addition to the mood swings, which stemmed from the Borderline Personality Disorder a result of a tumultuous childhood.   

Primary indicators are those associated with life and death or serious injury response that is against the norm.  Acute stress disorder generalized as to occurring within 4 weeks of the event.  If the symptoms persist, the individuals assessment for PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder) this indicates that the disorder may be deep rooted with a history of events, which may have stemmed from childhood.  I feel that Ray possessed all of the Symptomology of acute stress disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder, which led to his smoking and heroin use, with an increase of these symptoms and behaviors over time as advised within the prognosis of the DSM IV TR. 

Ray knew that his addiction was overtaking his life, and his frustrations in dealing with the addiction as it threatened to destroy his dream of music, was pushing him over the edge mentally.  It seemed to me that Ray was self absorbed, and incapable of loving anyone, even himself.  The choices he made for himself, and the way he treated those who professed love for him depicted emotional detachment.

The effect of the Disorder on those around Ray
Those who were around Ray were privy to his many mood swings resulting from his drug usage, and Borderline Personality Disorder.  They lived with pain and heartache in watching him endure his addiction on top of everything else he had been through and was going through.  The nine women who had children by Ray, with no commitment on his part to them, save the one he was married to for 22 years, which ultimately ended in divorce. 

I understand that drug addiction and alcoholism take their toll on loved ones and friends of those afflicted.  It does not matter what race, rich, or poor a person is.  The impact is the same.  Ray was a responsible man, and did have a relationship with all twelve of his children.  He also gave them one million dollars each, he was responsible for his children and did take care of them (Jet, 2004).

Those around him needed to understand that a person who is under the influence of drugs is not seeing things as they are.  They continuously dwell in the past, reliving, and reinventing it.  They do not have a firm hold on current time.  Those closest to Ray blamed his drug addiction on others who assisted him in getting, and administering the drugs to him.  A quote I respect is (about his addiction to heroin) I did it to myself. It was not societyit was not a pusher it was not being blind or being black or being poor. It was all my doing.  Ray Charles (Joi, 2008).

The support provided to Ray from those around him who were concerned for his well-being was the direct approach to his problem, and support in getting him to understand what drugs were doing to his life and to his dream of music.  In my opinion, I agree with Ray.  No one can make us do anything that we do not want to.  We must take responsibility for our actions and avoid playing the blame game.

Identify Dominant Treatment Modalities
Modalities in place in attribution of treatment of ASD are psychotherapy and pharmacology, prescribed separately, or a combination of both may apply. It all depends on the individual diagnosis and response. There have not been many studies on the effects of pharmacological treatment on patients, but from those conducted it is known that the administration of serotonin reuptake inhibitors prove invaluable in providing quality of life to those who need treatment (Seedat, 2006). 

Ponniah and Hollon (2009) speaks on Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) as efficacious and specific for PTSD it has made monumental progress in going forward, in addition to stress inoculation training, hypnotherapy, interpersonal psychotherapy, and psychodynamic therapy introduced as having great possibilities in treatment of PTSD (Ponniah  Hollon).

The movie displayed the arrests of Ray for drug use and possession.  When someone who cared what he was doing to himself, and what drugs were doing to his dream of music, expressed this to him, he listened and realized that he was out of control.  It took a third arrest for him to finally take action and seek help. 

Ray went into rehab at a sanitarium and kicked his addiction to Heroin in ninety-six hours.  During the 50s and 60s alcoholism and drug addiction, were new additives in the scope of treatment, and were treated the same as schizophrenia, or any other mental disorder (that is why today alcoholism and drug addiction are so closely tied to mental health programs). New psychotropic drugs of Thorazine and tranquilizers were developed and proved effective.  This led to decreased need of electric shock treatments, restraints, and seclusion rooms (NYSED, 2010). 

Todays treatment in relevance to the DSM IV TR for psychological disorders is indicative of pharmacological, and counseling combined in respect of individual need and capacity. 

Perspectives Conveyed
The film criticized for focusing on dramatic episodes while other parts of the film provided vague connotations, was unbalanced in its representation.  It left many unanswered questions in relevance to actual clarity in parts of Rays life such as the movie depicted he had only two children, when he actually had twelve. 

They attempted to cover up less desirable incidents of Rays life to describe him as this icon of soul music history, which was disabled and persevered against all odds, because he could do no wrong.  I saw through the faade to the realization this man for all his talent and genius was still, simply a man with faults and imperfections the same as the rest of us.

Mental Illness Attitude
The film captured the essence of mental disorders prevalent to Ray in light of the extreme poverty or socio-economic standing, the witnessing of the death of his brother, then going blind soon thereafter.  The loss of his parents was very dramatic as it left him alone at such a young and vulnerable age.  The lack of the father in the household was another transition he had to make, even though he never really knew his father.  Each of these factors set a foundation of mental disorder to develop, in addition to his recognition as a star and grueling schedule that left little time for self.  The movie provides a positive message in relaying that through all of the hardships Ray faced he was able to persevere and that his drug usage was enhancing his music.  On a negative note, it also depicts the price he had to pay.

The film did not really point out the mental illness in itself, but stayed more on the lines of drug and alcohol addiction and its effects.  Consequentially Rays demeanor, mood swings, and sexual inappropriateness led to the belief that he was not operating on a level of awareness in respect to making good decisions for his life. 

In Conclusion
Ray was a great adaptation of the development of mental illness and its effect on lives without proper treatment.  It also depicted the extreme pressures endured by celebrity status, and in the wake of all this, Ray Charles already had a full plate of disorders before he became famous.  Through it all, he lived his life the way he saw fit, without being encumbered by his shortcomings, or acknowledging that he exhibited behaviors thought of as inappropriate in societys eyes.   


blog gold said...

From an aspiring mental health professional, this was a wonderful read. Thanks.

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