The concept of perception

Perception is process through which human beings interpret and organize sensation so as to produce a meaningful experience of the world. Perception results to sensation which is the immediate unprocessed result of sensory receptors stimulation. The human body consists of several body parts such as the eyes, ears, skin, tongue and nose which are sensational enough to help an individual understand the surrounding environment. Perception therefore, describes an individuals ultimate experience of the...

The Biofeedback mechanism

Biofeedback is a learned process that involves   the in controlling physiological responses of the body. These responses can be either in the voluntary system, such as skeletal musculature, or in the involuntary, or autonomic, nervous system, such as heart rate, vascular responses frequently indirectly measured as temperature, and sympathetic discharges measured by the electrical skin response 1. Biofeedback can be used to control certain biological responses that cause health problems,...

Why People Impulse Buy

In a free market system, it is routine for people to acquire basic necessities through shopping.  The necessities shopped are not only those that the individual buyer may need but also of others, often of members in the household where such individual belongs.  These basic commodities include food, personal care items, clothes, household maintenance stuffs, pet food, and other needs. All these are items that may require regular replenishment.  Clothes may not be bought as often as...


Non-verbal communication or when abbreviated written as NVC in its simplest terms can be defined as the process of communication which is mainly conducted without the aid of words. This process of communication is mainly based on the fact that communication itself can take place without the usage of words, not only can it take place but it can also serve as an effective source of communication simultaneously. Differences between non-verbal and other forms of communication In order to have a clear...


Everyone has those times in their lives that they choose to either cherish or bury. No matter what kind of memories we have, it is undeniable that these circumstances or happenings in our life shape who we are. For years and years, much study on how and why we act has been done. Tracing back to what theorists have stated and connecting our memories to what we have developed today. We can see that much of the findings brought about years ago have been true and still are. What happened in our memories...

Review A Beautiful Mind

The movie A Beautiful Mind is the story of John Forbes Nash Jr., a math genius, an economist and a Carnegie scholar who graduated at Princeton University.  Nash received the Nobel Memorial Prize in 1994 for his contribution to economics, this despite having been debilitated by paranoid schizophrenia since his teaching days. The portrayal of the main character, John Nash, by actor Russel Crowe has been widely acclaimed as very realistic.  As stated in one movie review  Crowe seems...

Gang influence on individual behavior

A persons behavior is influenced by biological and environmental factors. As such, membership to a gang is a significant factor that can shape an individuals behavior. Since gangs are more likely to be involved in criminal and antisocial behaviors, an individual who is a member of the gang gets influenced to acquire antisocial and criminal behaviors. This paper examines the influence of gang on individual behavior. The intrinsic and extrinsic factors involved in this relationship are highlighted....


According to healthy (2008), Alcoholism is a chronic illness characterized by the habitual intake of alcohol. Alcohol use is to the degree that it interferes with physical or mental health, or with normal social or work behavior. Its effects range from physical to psychological. Physically, it affects the brain which further leads to Difficulty walking, blurred vision, slurred speech and nausea while psychologically, it may lead to slowed reaction times, impaired memory among other effects....


Psychological disorders is defined as a group of symptoms which create major disturbance in different areas of occupation such as in activities of daily living, work, school, family, and social relationships (Psychological disorders, n.d.). Due to its broad scope, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), as cited by Sadock and Sadock (2003), provided a classificationcriteria for evaluation of psychological disorders. As of 2000, DSM-IV-TR is used as the official classification...

Understanding the Societal Response to Homosexuality

They gave me a reward when I killed two men and gave me a suspension when I loved one. These are the words of Leonard Matlovich (1943-1988) who was a Vietnam War veteran and one of the best known gay men in America in the 1970s. A journey through the history makes it clear that Homosexuality has always been an issue which has had the highest amount of discussions, disagreements and clashes over the time in every culture and society. It always generates interest people, who are seeking a better understanding...

Damage to the Hippocampus

The hippocampus is a curve shaped part of the limbic system situated in the temporal lobe. This structure is involved in sexual and emotional functions of the brain. The hippocampus has got numerous neurons that enable it to carry out various functions effectively. This structure also has a role in learning and memory. It also aids in the development of a three dimensional mental map of the environment. Damage to the hippocampus has got very deteriorating effects to an individual. People with damaged...