How Do We Know What We Know

Science experts around the world has come up with different hypothesis and theories about how exactly human memory functions, it is said that the memory processes information from separate parts of the brain and it has extraordinary ability to retain these informations scientist has not been able to apprehend how exactly we retain information or what transpires when the brain recall, human memory is a complex, brain-wide process that is essential to whom we are (Mohs).

What brought about who we are mostly encompass our past events, experiences, conversation education acquire, books we read or things we were told or stuffs said to us and all of these attribute to the causes physical transformation or change in our brain, changes that may last forever within us, altering our perspective about life and the world around us.

The author state that the memory is physically lodged inside you like a shard of glass healed inside a wound, practically because of the great retention ability of the memory to hold information, consequently this ability gives people the power to inflict change in an individuals attitude, character, thinking, behavior, way of life e.t.c these changes occur either positively or negatively depending on what was done or said to such person either by assaulting, appraising, commending, insulting or humiliating such person (Johnson, 1991).

With reference to the last paragraph of the text, the establishment of the fact that the memories cause physical change by science and seeking distension between mental or psychological violence and physical or substantial violence with been both protected by law. It should be agree that mental violence causes physical change as well as physical violence but it should be noted that physical violence can easily treated otherwise healed but the case of metal or psychological violence or memory take longer process that is if it can be treated of healed.

In studying all this, the question about knowing what we know can be a very complex case to deal with, it is like the mind trying to study itself with reference to the author, although Johnson mentioned that people from various discipline ranging from science to medicine, law, business, economist e.t.c has come together are trying to understand the concept of how we became knowledgeable about the things we know and if the statement by Johnson is right about science proving that thought causes mental change then the study on the relation between mind and brain should concentrated on, however, should we let go the dualist notion of mind and body being separate entities and agree that thought is a biological function of the brain (Johnson, 1991).


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