
Homosexuality is a sexual relationship or attraction between two people of the same sex or gender. Homosexuality has for a long time been a controversial issue in society (Lax and Philips, 2009). Over time people have been changing their views concerning homosexuality. The paper highlights the changes in view of homosexuality and what has contributed to the changes. Many countries around the world have legalized same sex marriages while others are still debating concerning the issue. In Netherlands,...

The impact of Donald O. Hebb on neuroscientific research

Donald Olding Hebb was born on the 22nd July 1904. He was the first born in a family that had four children. His father was called Arthur Hebb and the mother was Clara Hebb. Their family lived in Chester, Nova in Canada. He was a good performer during his elementary school period though he used to portray rebellious attitude. Donald had an ambition of becoming a novel writer. He joined Dalhousie with the sole aim of becoming a novelist. He was not an academically outstanding student at the university...

Functions of Emotions and How Parenting Contributes to their Development

This paper will bring light on the research question What are the functions of emotions and how does parenting contribute to their development Emotional development begins from the time a child is conceived in the womb until death. Although physical development may be faster at the onset of ones becoming, a persons mental and emotional development happens at the same time. At such crucial years of becoming, this paper looks into the role of parents in the emotional development of the child. Parenting...

Human Sexuality

The human sexuality is among the most sensitive areas in psychology. It plays a vital role in everyones life. Regardless of whether one is a man or a woman, young or old, Chinese or American, it is an essential part of who we are and what we do. Many scholarly writings as well as researches have been conducted on the human sexuality. This paper also concerns the named matter and aims to study heterosexuality as the human sexual behavior. Other than eating and sleeping, the human sexuality seems...


I know of someone who has married someone who is not a native of this country. Recently, the two of them decided to go visit the non-English speaking country of the wife. He told me that the people in the house where they stayed avoided him all the time, like they never wanted to talk to him. There were also instances when someone in the house got offended by his jokes and seemed to do not find the joke humorous at all. The situation has been real awkward for him and I think it has been the same...

Learning Theories and their Application to Learning Instructions

The field of psychology displays a wide array of theoretical frameworks which explain the various complexities involved in the learning process. These perspectives include the behavioral, cognitive, constructive and social cognitive perspectives. Each and every one of these broad perspectives encompasses theories which may differ in magnitude and approach but are all directed at expounding on the ways that the human mind is able to grasp knowledge and retain it in the process of learning. Education...

Personality Assessment Instruments

This paper will discuss the efficacy of three types of personality assessment instruments. The instruments that will be taken up in this paper will be the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the Rorschach test, and self help books. The three personality instruments will be explored as to validity, comprehensiveness, applicability, and cultural utility. From the discussion, the differences and strengths and weaknesses of each personality assessment instrument will be made known. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator The...

Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Effective application of Organization Citizenship Behavior remains the most effective method of maintaining intrinsic employees commitment to their work, relation with others, cooperation with the management and contribution towards organizations missions achievements for higher profitability and sustainability.  Sociologists indicate that over the years, many organizations have shifted their management styles towards greater cooperation and inclusion of employees at all levels of an organization...

The Effects of College Counseling Services on Academic Performance and Retention

There are many problems that college students, particularly the freshmen and transfer students, have to face as they try to adjust themselves to the new college environment. Some of these problems may become so severe that they may affect the academic performance of a student, so that heshe may even consider the option of dropping out of school. Such cases have prompted researchers to examine whether the use of college couselling can be important in improving the students academic performance and...