Effects of Family Conflict Resolution on Behavior of Children

The findings in this research are a clear indication that a good performance for the students has much to do with their parents. It is clear that if the parents have some problems in their relationship and consequently result to divorce this is likely to affect the performance of the child in class. This is through the behavior of the child in the school to in terms of his or her relationship with the teacher and with the fellow students. The study indicates that there is a solution to this problem and this solution is actually applicable to the child affected.

The findings in the research clearly suggests that if there is pre-referral intervention in the life of the child, there is a high chance that the child will not be placed into special education. Children are placed into special education because they have very strange behaviors. These behaviors originate from their parents relationship and therefore if this is dealt with, we can actually save the children. In addition, the study suggests that if proper treatment is done, there are high chances that the child can regain his or her behavior and in the process show improvement in the class.

The study can be said to provide a solution of the current crisis that some of the schools are facing. The main disciplinary and performance problem that some of the schools are facing is attributed to poor performance of the students. These students are known to become hopeless and in the process ruin their life. In the process, they make life for their fellow students difficult and that of the teacher while they are in school. It becomes difficult to deal with them in that nobody knows the real reason for their ill behavior.

With the use of this study, it is clear that a great proportion of the students who are unruly in school are as result of their parents relationship. This means that the study can be used to introduce a community agency counselor in the school. He will play a major role in treating such students who have a problem with their parents relationship. In the process, the counselor will help the students to improve their performance and therefore achieve their goals. In addition, this makes the life of all the other students and the teacher simpler.

This research may be said to have some limitations. First, the study can be said to be applicable to only those students that are living with their parents. The reason is that the study was mainly aimed at looking the effect of the parents relationship on the performance and the behavior of the child. This means that for the study to properly apply, the child must be having daily contact with the parents. There are some other situations where the child is in a boarding school. The same problem may also be experienced in such areas but the childs parents are not the cause. The reason is that the child may not be aware of the conflict that may exist among their parents. In addition, there are some other situations where the parents are in good terms but they are not treating the child well. In such a situation, the same case may be experienced.

The study also made some assumptions such as that the only reason as to why the students may be performing poorly is because of the influence of the parents on the child. There are some other factors that may as well have affected the performance of the child. Among the major factors that may have had major impact and which had been looked down upon is the peer pressure. There are high chances that a teenage student is greatly influence by peer pressure. This may have a major part to play and that the child may reform after counseling.

In addition, the student may decide to change when he notices that he is being observed. This study also holds all the other factors constant such as the learning environment, the students level of understanding and learning ability. All these are important factors and they are known to play a major role in the performance of the child. They should therefore not been looked down upon as they are part and parcel of the learning activity.

This is a very helpful research and where possible, it should be applied to practically all the schools to ensure that there is improvement on the student performance. If what is discussed in the article is put in practice, it can be helpful to the school and to the child. The statistic presented is a clear picture of the real situation that is happening in our schools. However, the article can be said to be too theoretical. Even though it presents a research that was conducted, the analyses of the statistics in the research are too technical and this may be difficult for an ordinary teacher to comprehend or rather to understand and put it in practice.

In addition, there is too much assumption that is made in coming up with the solution or rather the conclusion. All the other factors such as the school environment and the students learning ability also have a major role to play in ensuring good performance and therefore they should not be looked down upon.

In conclusion, despite these assumptions, the article can be said to be very informative and if the information that is presented in it are put in practice, it can save the students who sometimes ruin their life due to external factors such as their parents. Implementation of this form of research would save the students from going to approved institutions.


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