Abortion Debate Emotional Appeals vs Reasoned Arguments

Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by the removal of the fetus or embryo from the uterus, resulting in or caused by its death (Jacob, 2006). It can be spontaneous when it is due to accidental trauma or natural causes and in this case it is referred to as miscarriage. Or it can be induced when the abortion is intentional and done consciously either through the use of pharmaceutical drugs or suction-aspiration. The latter type of abortion has been the source of considerable debate, controversy and activism in the history. The legality, prevalence and cultural views on abortion differ around the world. An individuals position on the complex ethical, moral, philosophical, biological and legal issues varies on hisher value system. Opinions about abortion can be classified between pro-life position (against access to abortion) and pro-choice position (favor access to abortion). This paper is an attempt to show the difference between emotional appeals and reasoned arguments for abortion.

Emotional Appeals
First among emotional appeals being used of those who are against abortion is that abortion kills human being (Pro Life Physicians Organizations). No one has the right to deny the right to live. On the onset, the embryo is genetically different from the mother even from the sperm and the egg that produced it (Anderson, 1997). They have unique genetic make-up, a different set of fingerprints, distinct nose, eyes, ears fingers and mouth. Further proof of a separate life inside the womb is the heart which is formed by the 18th day in the womb while brain activities are detected as early as 40 to 43 days. Needless to say that fetus can feel pain and they are more sensitive than an infant who cries when hurt.

Second is the assertion that not only that abortion hurts the fetus before killing it, abortion also causes psychological damage to women because of guilt feelings they suffer for the rest of their lives (Alcorn, 1992). There is a growing body of research and studies who have established the after-effects of abortion, a pattern of psychological problems known as Post-Abortion Syndrome (PAS) (Natural Right to Life Organization). Women with PAS are known to experience drug and alcohol abuse, personal relationship disorders, sexual dysfunction, repeated abortions, communications difficulties, damaged self-esteem, and even attempt suicide. This may last five to ten years and then the emotional difficulties will begin to surface.

Those who do not manifest the syndrome are said to experience horrible nightmares of children calling them from cans, of blood and body parts. They have psychological pains when they are reminded of the abortion. They feel alienated from their own body because they denied themselves its natural role of being a mother. Chemical abortion methods make these experiences worse because these methods allow women to see the complete tiny bodies of their unborn children and are even able to distinguish the childs developing body parts.

Third, a child should be seen as a gift from God and He only has the power to open and close the womb of a woman (Anderson, 1997). Childlessness is seen as a curse. In Psalm 139, David ponders upon the power of God to create life and how his relationship with Him started before birth until he grew up. The bible does not say anything about the scientific creation of man but of a man being cared for by God while in the womb. In the Old Testament, David confesses that his sin of adultery is a manifestation of the original sin within him. David concludes that from his time of conception, he had a sin nature. This would imply that he carried the image of God from the moment of conception, including the marred image scarred from sin.

Reasoned Arguments
(Response to the Emotional Appeal mentioned above)
First, it is true that fetus will have the distinct set of genes, body parts and senses in the latter part of its development in the womb. These arguments do not take into consideration that nearly all abortions take place in the first semester (Jacob, 2006). 91 percent who have an abortion do so in their first semester and only four percent after 16 weeks. Late abortions are due to health reasons. During the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus cannot exist independent of the mother. As it is attached by the placenta and umbilical cord, its health is dependent on her health, and cannot be regarded as a separate entity as it cannot exist outside her womb. Brain activities are virtually absent because the structures and nerve-cell connections that characterize the thinking and feeling parts of the brain are not completed until between the 7th and 8th months of development (Choice Matters Organization). Only after 30 weeks that the brain waves show patterns of waking consciousness when pain can be perceived. The reflex actions that are present before this stage cannot be a sign of ability to feel pain.

Second, the association of mental illness and abortion is not based on fact and just an inference. There has been no scientific research has demonstrated a direct  HYPERLINK httpen.wikipedia.orgwikiCausality o Causality causal relationship between abortion and poor mental health according to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences. Further, a 1990 review conducted by American Psychological Association found that severe negative reactions after abortion are rare and are in line with those following other normal life stresses. It is true that some women may experience depression or may feel guilty but there are more cases of post-partum among new mothers. The risk of dying from child birth is also higher than for women who undergo abortion. Moreover, the Centers for Disease Control researchers found out that todays abortion procedures will not adversely affect a womans future reproduction, and have said, the reality is that legalized abortion has had a definite impact on the health of American women (by providing them with a safer way to terminate their pregnancies than by either illegal abortion or childbirth).

Third, the last emotional appeal is based on the assumption that a Superior Being called God exists. It is being implied that a God exists, powerful enough to give life and form a relationship with the unborn. It is also assuming that a separate and distinct human being is in the womb and not just a part of the mother (Choice Matters Organization). It implies that human life begins at conception, therefore abortion is slaughter. This is based more on religious belief and not on biological facts. Even the religious community does not have a uniting stand on this matter Mormon and some Fundamentalist churches believe in personhood at conception Judaism holds that it begins at birth and abortion is not murder ensoulment theories vary widely within Protestantism.

Abortion debate has a long history. Opinion polls have been varied from poll to poll, country to country, and region to region, while varying with regard to different aspects of the issue. Both sides have reasons and biological, historical, legal and religious views are stated here. But the decision to end a pregnancy is very personal. One can do is be equipped with facts to make the conscious and deliberate choice. Those who are against abortion believe that abortion is a slaughter of a human being, damaging to the mental health of the women and that it is unnatural to be childless because children are gifts from God. These are countered by pro-choice reasonable arguments that is cannot be claimed that a fetus is a separate human being because its life is dependent on the mother, abortion does not lead to mental breakdown among women and that religious community is yet to come up with the consensus on the debate of when does life begin. Personally, I firmly believe that women have a choice what they want to do in their life and body. They cannot be dictated upon by society because they know what is best for them. Who knows what the truth about abortion is.  The important thing is to be prepared.


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