Why Some People Use Illicit Drugs

Whether they are used for purposes of recreation or medication, drugs have always been a comprehensive part of human life. An infant is administered its first dose of drugs almost at birth. We suffer aches, illnesses and pains through our life and take medication for the same. What makes a drug illicit Is it the fact that the authorities ban the usage of the same or the fact that one is free to misuse the power of the medical prescription and turn something legal into illegal Introduction to drugs...

Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia Individual Rights versus Moral Compulsion

Any discussion of intentionally and effectively killing a human being is complicated by the fact that such an act necessarily involves a number of different analytical perspectives with different underlying premises.  Regarding the instant debate, whether doctors should be empowered to aid in a terminally ill patients decision to pursue suicide, there are legal, medical, ethical, psychological, sociological, and interdisciplinary perspectives which make absolute conclusions difficult and perhaps...

Lesbian and Gay Couples as Appropriate Parents for Children

Is it in the best interest of children to have parents in a committed heterosexual, rather than a homosexual, relationship There is lack of quality evidence that can uphold that it is highly detrimental for children to be reared by gayslesbians rather than heterosexual couples. Individuals disapproving homosexual parentingadoption cite, among others, that same-sex couples tendency to have less stable relationships may have an impact on children. Yet there are also countless cases of heterosexual...

Concept paper draft

Book topic Reviving Ophelia Saving the Selves of Adoloscent Girls by Mary Pipher, Ph.D. Astonishingly, more adolescent females are growing up in today s society only to endure many more hardships than in preceding generations. In her book, Reviving Ophelia, Mary Pipher attempts to deliver insights into the reasons why adolescent females endure these struggles. The title, Reviving Ophelia, is based on the story of Ophelia from Shakespeare s Hamlet. As a young girl Ophelia is happy and free-spirited....

Psychology Research Paper

Ethics, as many of us have understood, is a branch of Philosophy that seeks out about morality. The conception of defending good and bad, justice and injustice, and even right and wrong behavior are the major path of this branch (Smith, M. 2009). Ethical principles and theories are the groundwork of analyzing ethics, which becomes the deciding factor, which aims to provide justice and less harm. There are different Ethical theories but the one the author thought that can relate on the given situation...

Human Growth and Development

1. Rene Descartespostulated that the self perceives its own body due to the senses. The individual perceives certain characteristics about shape, size, texture, color and smell. He argued that sensory perception is not enough to understand properly the nature of the things instead, the individual must use his mind (Trull  Phares, 2001). He discarded perception and solely focused on deduction as a appropriate method by which we can come to understand the world. In contrast to the nativist, the...

Karl Childer

There is a lot of point of views on how people perceive a person with a mental illness could it be because of his biological background, environment where he or she grew up with There could be a lot of factors that may contribute to mental illness and in this case study, we will attempt to analyze a very interesting character named Karl Childers. Since there are a lot of documented mental disorders throughout history, we will do our best to narrow down those choices, by interpreting Childers actions,...
An Analysis of Carol Gilligans In a Different Voice Psychological Theory and Womens Development Carol Gilligans In a Different Voice Psychological Theory and Womens Development can be considered a study of contrasts. Not just how women differ from men in thought processes and self expression, but also of contrasts of ethics, developmental theories, of selfishness versus selflessness, separation and attachment, and responsibility to self versus other. Gilligan realized that the way people speak...

Article critique

Studies concerning beliefs and attitudes of the members of public towards patients whop are mentally ill have time and again revealed remarkable ignorance and as  well as hostility towards individuals deemed to be insane. Some people believe that mental illness is as a result of sociological and family causes and are thus superstitious about the real causes of mental illness. On the other hand other people believe that this type of illness is caused by biological factors. The view of the article...

Developmental Theories

Development theories in psychology are known to provide a structure for thinking about the growth, learning and development of human beings. Three well-known development theories in psychology include Freuds Theory of Psychosexual Development, Eriksons Theory of Psychosocial Development and Piagets Theory of Cognitive Development. Sigmund Freud introduced the theory of psychosexual development which states that the development of personality of a human being is focused or centered on the impacts...

Alzheimers Disease Achievable

Alzheimers disease is a disease named after Alois Alzheimer who first described it in 1906. It is also known as Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type or Alzheimers and is the most common form of Dementia. It is an incurable, degenerative and terminal disease and is commonly diagnosed in people of over 65 years of age, however, there are traces of its onset in much earlier ages (Wegesin  Stern, 2004, p.646).The 2006 statistics indicated that 26.6 million people suffered from this disease world....