
I believe that my parents played a major role in the development of my personality.  They both set a positive example for me and had calm, easy-going personalities.  They took most things in stride.  They always reminded me to relax and stay calm regardless of the situation.  I believe my personality is a combination of both of my parents and a result of their influence in my life.  I behave in a very similar manner as my parents and I share the same viewpoints and feelings...


Self-esteem is an important factor in everyones life, especially young children and adolescents.  Healthy self-esteem is a childs armor against the challenges of the world.  Kids who feel good about themselves seem to have an easier time handling conflicts and resisting negative pressures, (Kids Health, 2009). Positive relationships and good communication are essential in the development of self-esteem.  In young children and adolescents, self-esteem is influenced by relationships...

Personality Case Study

Introduction to Theories of Personality What is a theory Psychologists have come up with various theories to explain why people behave the way they do and why people behave differently in an assortment of circumstances. In definition a theory is a representation of realism that helps us to value, elucidate, forecast, and control reality. Another definition has stated that a theory is a steer toward the future. A theory looks at the happenings of the past and uses those predicaments and sequences...

Timing in Free-living Rufous Hummingbirds

The Purpose and Procedures of the Experiment Rufous hummingbirds are among the interesting species of animals. Animals perform basic function by following what we call as circadian rhythm. The free rufous hummingbirds (Selasphorus Rufus) generally known as wild nectivores is subjected under an experiment to identify timing ability or an episodic-like memory capability. In the experiment 8 artificial flowers containing sucrose solution were then set up. Three male rufous birds are then trained to...
HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Adolescence is developing logical behavior of perceiving the world in youngsters this influences their individual, communal and emotional condition. Because of the consequential critical ability, they start observing the negative aspect of parents and all influential people. This often directs to parent child clash. Parents do not bear condemnation by mounting adolescents and this further results more resistance in their bond. Idealistic insurgence sets in towards the...

Human Growth and Development

Throughout life, everyone develops their own behaviors, talents and traits. Some are hereditary, while others are caused by the environment. An example of behavior acquired from the environment is alcohol dependency. It is caused by peer pressure or sometimes personal depressions. We can further explain alcoholism by using Sigmund Freuds theory of psychoanalysis. Accordingly, this theory is divided into three parts id, ego, and superego. Alcoholism has something to do with the id, or the pleasure...

The Effect of Birth order on Personality

The term birth order refers to an individuals rank by age among his or her siblings. Since the 1970s, researchers and psychologists have been engaged in efforts to shed more light on this issue. It has been speculated that a persons birth order influences his or her personality, an argument that has led to the development of the birth order theory. In the scientific field, claims that birth order influences personality have been received with mixed reaction. For instance, some scientist consider...

The History of Positive Psychology

Positive psychology is not a new school of thought. A brief review of the contributions from a few past psychologists, pertaining to positive psychology, will be provided. Broad historical overviews of a few previous schools of thought will be discussed. Alfred Adler, Gordon Allport, and Carl Jung are introduced explaining how their viewpoints may have been the first thoughts along the lines of positive psychology. Next, Existentialism will be explained to show a connection between the existentialists...

Nonverbal communication among different cultures

Executive Summary Nonverbal communication includes those characteristics in a communication that are produced by the sender of the message which increases the value of the message without the use of words. Nonverbal communication has various forms body language, facial expression, touch, silence, eye contact etc. It is important to note however that these nonverbal messages differ across cultures. What one form means something in a culture would be entirely opposite for other cultures. For American...

OPD and the Scholar-Practitioner Approach

The idea provided by the field of Organizational Psychology and Development (OPD) stems towards providing innovative and dynamic inputs to the organization. It surrounds the capacity of the individual to establish new methods that can enhance effectiveness and efficiency within the interplay of relations, values, and culture. Given the process surrounding OPD and the challenges of continuing change brought about by diversity and increasing interconnectedness, understanding the importance of behavioral...

Piaget, Vygotsky and Erickson Three Propagators of Human Development through Systematic Education

The current sate of human development could become possible only due to the relentless exploration on systematic education by some dedicated researchers who devoted their lives in underpinning the nuances that are associated with cognitive and social development, besides finding ways and means to systematically exploit them towards all-round human development. This study thus locates three articles on the educational implications of the findings of three such researchers, viz., Piaget, Vygostky...

The Effects of Dispositional Optimism on Health Conditions of Hospital Patients

The patients state of mind has been the repeated subject of scrutiny for the purpose of finding alternative curative practices. That is to say, how the patient perceives and responds to his or her situation has been related to the probability of health improvement. State of mind may be affected either by the patients assessment of his or her situation or it may be affected by external factors which cause the patient to develop an affect response. Studies have revealed that whether a patient engenders...