Research Methods II

Myers and Diener stated that ones happiness cannot be determined from a persons age, income, sex and race. Rather, ones happiness can be indicated by the persons traits. The said trait pertains to the joy of a person towards supportive network of relationships, positive interpretations of daily events, engagement to leisure and work and the faith of a person that entails hope, social support and purpose in life (Myers  Diener, 1995). From the statement of Myers and Diener, the researcher has come up with a question Is having a connected relationship related to a persons happiness Connected relationship is described as the relationship of a person with another person in his or her life. From the said question, the researcher wants to test the hypothesis that having a connected relationship contributes to one being happy.

Survey questions were used to obtain data for analysis. The survey questions were composed of five questions from the researcher and five questions based from the suggested questions of Myers and Diener. Most of the questions are answerable in a scale of 1 to 7 where 1-strongly disagree and 7-strongly agree. The survey questions were implemented and obtained 10 respondents to answer the questions. After implementing the survey questions, the following results were obtained.
I feel connected in my relationships.

Out of 10 respondents, 10 percent strongly disagreed with the statement, 10 percent disagreed, 10 percent neither agree nor disagree, 20 percent slightly agreed, 40 percent agreed and 10 percent strongly agreed.

In most ways, my life is close to ideal
Out of 10 respondents, 10 percent disagreed with the statement, 20 percent neither agree nor disagree, 20 percent slightly agreed and 50 percent agreed.
I feel a strong connection to my family and friends.
Out of 10 respondents, 10 percent disagreed, 10 percent slight disagreed, 20 percent slightly agreed, 10 percent agreed and 50 percent strongly agreed.
The conditions of my life are excellent.

Out of 10 respondents, 10 percent strongly disagreed with the statement, 20 percent neither agree nor disagree, 20 percent slightly agreed, 40 percent agreed and 10 percent strongly agreed.
The affection I feel in my relationship helps me feel connected.

Out of 10 respondents, 10 percent strongly disagreed with the statement, 10 percent disagreed, 10 percent slightly disagreed, 20 percent slightly agreed, 40 percent agreed and 10 percent strongly agreed.
I am satisfied with my life.

Out of 10 respondents, 10 percent disagreed, 20 percent neither agree nor disagree, 20 percent slightly agreed, 50 percent agreed with the statement.
I am affectionate, I feel in my relationship.

Out of 10 respondents, 20 percent slightly disagreed, 30 percent slightly agreed, 30 percent agreed and 20 percent strongly agreed with the statement.
So far, I have gotten the important things I want in my life.

Out of 10 respondents, 10 percent strongly disagreed with the statement, 10 percent neither agree nor disagree, 10 percent slightly agreed, 40 percent agreed and 30 percent strongly agreed.
When I talk openly in my relationship, I feel connected.

Out of 10 respondents, 10 percent strongly disagreed with the statement, 10 percent neither agree nor disagree, 30 percent slightly agreed and 50 percent agreed
If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing.

Out of 10 respondents, 10 percent strongly disagreed with the statement, 10 slightly percent disagreed, 10 percent neither agree nor disagree, 10 percent slightly agreed and 60 percent agreed.

After obtaining the proportions of the answers of the respondents, the researcher used correlation to determine whether the 5 created survey questions were related to the 5 questions suggested by Myers and Diener. After calculating the Pearson correlation coefficients, the following results were obtained.

The correlation coefficient obtained between question 1 of the survey and the suggested question is equal to 0.94884. Question 2 of the survey and the suggested question obtained a correlation coefficient value of 0.485037. Question 3 of the survey and the suggested question obtained a correlation coefficient value of 0.821019. On the other hand, question 4 of the survey and the suggested question obtained a correlation coefficient value of 0.961678. In addition, question 5 of the survey and the suggested question obtained a correlation coefficient value of 0.920984. From the obtained correlation coefficients, all of the values are observed to be greater than 0.3.

Based on the obtained correlation coefficient, the researcher has been able to prove that having connected relationship contributes to one being happy since the correlation coefficients between the survey questions and the suggested questions of Myers and Diener is greater than 0.3. However, there are certain limitations to the conclusion and the analysis of the obtained data. First, the hypothesis was not created for use in hypothesis testing. The hypothesis should have been modified in such a way that it will fit the statistical test that will be used. In addition, the absence of hypothesis testing makes the results weaker since no confidence level is achieved.


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