Stress and Coping

In a recent article written about the link between stress and arthritis in children, Dr. Baum discussed different variables that contribute to this theory.  Dr. Baum is a professor of pediatrics at the University of Rochester School of Medicine in Rochester, New York (Study Links Stress and Childhood Arthritis, 1991).  Children who have arthritis have been discovered to have suffered a severe or traumatic psychological event before being diagnosed with arthritis.  Since arthritis takes many forms and goes by many names, it is assumed here that this means different types of arthritis.  Some children have been through a divorce or separation of their parents, a death in the family, or another type of psychological trauma.  The information is incredible.

It was interesting to learn that some children have died from complications related to arthritis.  According to the article, a starchy substance called amyloidosis can develop and cause kidney failure, which in turn has caused two children to die (Study Links Stress and Childhood Arthritis, 1991).  The statistics surrounding children and arthritis is even more startling.  One out of 1000 children have some form of arthritis.  In reference to psychological traumas and the diagnosis of childhood arthritis, it is estimated that 37 of children in the Finnish study group, had experienced a significant psychological event at least a year before the arthritis diagnosis (Study Links Stress and Childhood Arthritis, 1991).  This information certainly demands more research be performed for children with arthritis, especially in order to define the actual origin of the disease.

The information presented in the article is quite amazing to say the least.  Some information had been touched on in recent articles found in Parents magazine and discussed on the morning news programs, but the information presented was nothing of the magnitude in this article.  In reference to the dietary concerns of children in the United States, this report is more alarming.  Children today do snack more on sugary foods and ingest more sugary drinks.  This pattern is showing health problems that should not present until a much later age.  It makes one wonder if there is a correlation between the sugar ingestion and the brains ability to grow and function properly.

This article is especially important as rheumatoid arthritis is related to other conditions such as Lupus, Fibromyalgia, and other autoimmune disorders.  Each disorder is significant unto itself, but if children are now at risk of developing these diseases, then the medical community should run with the information and start conducting studies right away.  As someone who has Fibromyalgia, it should be simply said that it is like living in hell while still being alive.  No one should have to depend on a pill to be able to get out of bed or even walk five steps across the floor.  These diseases are debilitating to those who have them, and it would be a true injustice for children to start developing them without reason.   This article was truly enlightening and educational.  More information like this should be more easily assessable to the general public.  Updates on these topics would be appreciated.


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