Human Growth Development

According to several researches, early years of life are particularly important in the growth and development of an adolescent behavior. According to Werner-Wilson et al. (2004), at this developmental age, media can influence adolescents thoughts and behaviors. Adolescents have been a major target by the media as they are constantly attached to it and regularly lking for information from it. It has become important to learn how media is leading adolescent to substance abuse, sexual activity, eating diUrderU and how we can take preventative measures.

Substance Abuse
When adolescent watch their beloved UtarU uUing drugs 0nd alcohol, 0nd making it lk like cl, they fancy to do it, t. When adolescent bUerve these prominent personalities in rehabilitation programs, these Hollywood celebrities make it look like a trip to the spa. When adolescents play their preferred video games featuring the substance-abusing stars, they are viewing these examples of  cl  (Werner, 2004). Upon my own investigation of this matter, I found websites such as,, and All of these websites contain categories devoted to finding the top movies to view substance abuse some even recommend the film because the abuse was depicted as accurately done.

Some non-profit organizations have developed their own programs and methods to address drug prevention. Narconon International is a drug prevention and rehabilitation organization with centers around the world that assist educating millions of people and rehabilitating thousands of addicts (Narconon International, 2010). Narconon also has its own website that helps promoting constructive lifestyles that discourage alcohol abuse, as well as promote development of social environments that facilitate alcoholdrug-free lifestyles (Narconon International, 2010).

One of the most serious consequences of regular television use is its contribution to a sedentary lifestyle. A child today typically spends more time with television than heshe spends talking to parents, playing with peers, or participating in recreational activities. As children and adults spend more and more time with television, their physical activity decreases that can result in obesity. Action for Healthy Kids (2010) has a wonderful website with many resources and programs on preventing childhood obesity, as well as the opportunity to volunteer and become an active member for the state.

Several types of media can influence teens sexual behavior. Among most others, these forms of media include movies, television, 0nd music videos. According to the Troubled Teens Help, their website is dedicated to help teens, 0nd parents coping with these issues, as parents play 0 critical role in determining influencing factors related to their teens.  The wise parent teaches his teen to be discerning about media choices. Setting harsh, unbending rules may only drive the teen towards negative choices (Troubled Teens Help, 2010). The website provides several tips to parents regarding the way they can avoid accusations of unfairness with open communication about entertainment choices (Troubled Teens Help, 2010).

In conclusion, adolescents are 0 prime target of today s media. When adolescents rely on the media to seek for help and information, they are being attacked by negative messages. These messages can encourage adolescents to have a vague image about them.


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