A quantitative research was performed in 2004 aimed at finding out the reasons behind women aborting children in United States. A structured sample survey was conducted at 11 large health providers with a sample of 1,209 abortion patients. At four of these sites, 38 women were interviewed. The research study used bivariate analysis to examine the difference in the reason for abortion across the subgroups (Finer, Frohwirth, Dauphinee, Singh  Moore, 2005). To assess the association between reported reasons and respondent characteristics, multivariate logistic regression model was used. A quantitative study was conducted on the reasons why United State women have abortions

The quantitative article reported an inter-rater reliability. The questionnaire contained same sample questions presented to different abortion patients in 11 facilities. Each patient was given one question whereby she was supposed to write as many reasons why she aborted. In a sample of 10 respondents, nearly eight of them gave at least one reason. The test shows consistent answers among the respondent giving the research an inter-rater or inter-observer reliability.  Each abortion patient answered 12 sample questions. The research also has test-retest reliability since questions they pre-tested the same sample questions in a clinic to assess if the women understood and were conversant with the questions asked (Finer et al, 2005).

The above quantitative article shows that abortion dependent on several factors such as finances, education and work, age, relationship problems and family interference.

The internal validity checklist include

Financial issues-73 percent of the women interviewed said that they aborted because they could not afford to bring up a baby.

Education and work-74 percent of the women said that the reason they aborted is that the baby would interfere with her education or work.

Age-young women suggested that they aborted because they had not acquired the rightful age to be mothers. Older women however aborted because they had already finished rearing and did not want any other dependants.

The external validity checklist
Family interference-some women said that their parents forced them to have an abortion. Other women said that their spouses did not want a baby so they aborted.

Relationship problems- 48 percent of women suggested relationship problems as the reason behind abortion because they did not want to bring up a child as a single parent

EMBED MSGraph.Chart.8 s Fig Age group representation and the percentage of how many women would consider taking an abortion


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