Adolescence is often seen as the last step before becoming a complete adult.  This is the stage of life when there is confusion and chaos. During the previous stage of life that is infancy, one receives affectionate and admiring glances from elders, all an adolescent gets are rude  how can you be so bad glances.  This is because the adolescent group has been branded as the revolting angry and manner less clan of the society. The adolescents are the children in the group between thirteen and eighteen and the transition from childhood to adulthood is often painful and difficult because of the physical and psychological changes that the adolescents undergo.
There are three questions that are often raised on the topic of adolescence.   Why are the adolescents so prone to eating disorders  Most parents are always at their nerves end because their adolescent children do not eat properly. The number of adolescents with diagnosed anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa is growing rapidly and most of the times the reasons behind these disorder go undiagnosed.  Adolescents are aware of the changes that their bodies are undergoing and this often leads to panic and confusion. This leads to severe depression, which in turn causes over indulgence in food or abstinence from food. Obsession for a fabulous figure similar to those models and celebrities also leads to eating disorders.
Why are adolescents often lacking in self-confidence and are on the brink of depression  Being sandwiched between two age groups namely childhood and adulthood leaves a child confused and lacking self-confidence.  The lack of self-confidence is a result of the undue expectations levied on them. It is not rare for a parent to view hisher adolescent as a adult at one time and as a child at another instance. There is confusion as to what is expected out of the adolescent.  There is also the confusion of a career. This is the time when adolescents consider various options for a career.  Because they are yet to determine their strengths and weaknesses, this decision is often marred by lack of clarity. This leads to anxiety. The transition from high- school to college is another phase of the adolescent life that leaves them panic-stricken.
Why are the adolescents often angry about the society  The angry young man almost always refers to an adolescent and it certainly applies to both genders. Adolescents are always revolting against the society in their own way. They believe that rules are to be broken and principles are to be questioned, in order to show themselves as grown up. Todays adolescents are often intolerant to the society. The authority of the elders irritates them and they yearn to be free of rules and discipline.  
I never talked to my parents like this. I never left my hair like this  I never disobeyed the elders. These are the all too familiar verses uttered by the parents in every home and one wonders if all this is true. Todays adults were yesterdays adolescents and they would certainly have gone through all the hormonal changes, mood swings, anxiety and rebellions. The adolescents are often perplexed by the strangeness. Is it true that yesterdays adolescents were the epitome of obedience and decency as they claim to have been To get an insight into this intriguing question, it was decided to interview an adult and inquire about his adolescence and ascertain whether the problem of adolescence pertains only to the modern world or is it a perennial problem. The person I chose to interview was a 50-year-old chartered accountant, Mr. Immanuel, who had two adolescent children aged 16 and 13 respectively. Like all parents of adolescents, his face showed lines of anxiety and desperation. We started the conversation by asking him about his children and he opened out like a dam whose doors have been opened. He said that his children who were once angels were now the only reason for his agony. He confided that he was appalled by the lack of respect and attributed all the bad qualities of his children to their friends and to the society as a whole.
After allowing him to air his grievances, I slowly brought up the issue of his adolescence and prodded him to tell details about his adolescent years.  Mr. Immanuel immediately switched on to a silent mode and went into a deep trance as if he was recollecting his memories with difficulty. When he spoke after a good five minutes, he was more sober and he explained that he too was a cause of anxiety for his parents.  He recounted how he drove his parents to the end of their nerves by his poor grades in school. Even though he regretted his academic performance, he said that his adolescence was the best stage of his life when he felt responsible to none and was filled with hope and dreams for the future. When questioned about the freedom that he received during his adolescence, he said that their parents who still saw them as children often oppressed them. This oppression sparked the rebellious nature in him and often led to agitation.  Mr. Immanuel agreed that the adolescents of yesterday were not different from those of today and the physical and psychological conflicts existed in their time too. He also conceded that even though he often expressed his dissent for the attitude of his children, he realized that this was a growing phase and his children would eventually grow out of this rebellious nature.  He agreed that problems during adolescence are present at all generations and that the responsibility lay in the hands of the parents and the society to guide the adolescents through this difficult phase.
Mr. Immanuel represents the scores of parents all over the world who are anxious about their adolescent children.  They are plagued by anxieties relating to academic performance, influence of anti-social elements, bad habits and degradation of character. But beyond all this, there is an effort from their side to understand their children and provide them with all the necessary support. The society also believes in giving the adolescents the required freedom, the only condition being that the freedom should be used wisely. Owing to the unnatural demands on the students, adolescent life is most stressful. Agitations and disputes rising out of this stress should not be considered as disrespect towards the elders or as a rebellion against the society. Instead the society should treat them with dignity and aid them in becoming responsible adults.

Questions asked during the interview with Mr. Immanuel
What are you grievances about your adolescent children
What are the causes for the rebellious nature of adolescents
What are the valuesethics that are not existent in todays adolescents
Was the previous generation of adolescents different from those of today
What were the grievances of your parents when you were an adolescent
Are you tolerant toward your children
What does the society need to do about the issues relating to adolescence
Do you feel adolescents are under great pressure now
Is the freedom demanded by adolescents,  reasonable
 Are you confident that you children will emerge from adolescence as responsible adults


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