Qualitative and quantitative research

Quantitative and qualitative are two research designs that are used in social research.  They are similar by the fact that they types of research designs but are different in the approach they use in the process of conducting research. Seale, (2004) in his attempt to describe the two methods reports that, while quantitative research uses numbers and statistics qualitative research uses words and descriptions. Since these two methods are different, it is therefore important to study the characteristics...


Dream Description A girl whom I had studied with in elementary level visits home. We had been contacting through a social website and somehow agreed to meet. She is excited and meets both my parents. She interacts well with family. What amazes me most is the fact that she addresses my mother simply mum. The two of us are happy when we finally meet. Wish Fulfillment We had met with this girl through a social website. Though she is already married with a child, I had a wish to meet and probably marry...

Multicultural Effects on Career Counseling

Abstract There is an Increasing correlation between cultural influences and career development therefore there is need for expanded theoretical perspectives as well as practical perspectives. Clients of career counseling are diverse in cultures and are interested in different careers hence there is need for Theories of career development that demonstrate cultural perspectives so as to provide direction for the people whose cultures are diverse.  Systems Theory Framework can be defined as a...

Gender and Ethnic Differences as Barriers to Career Development

Abstract Personal input in career development is not the only aspect that will facilitate success in a persons career, there are environmental aspects that will also determine career development among men and women and an example of an environmental aspect addressed herein is ethic and gender differences. Many theories that discuss career development are based on theories of personality and personal input. This is because they try to establish a relationship between an individuals personality and...

Multi-method is the Key in Predicting SIBT and NSSI

One of the important abilities required in school psychology field is the ability to anticipate SITB (Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors) of schoolchildren and to nip it in the bud (Klonsky and Muehlenkamp, 2007 Nock et al., 2007). The difficulty here arises mostly due to the lack of sufficient empirical evidence on the predictors and correlates of NSSI (Non-Suicidal Self-Injury), besides misleading individual behavioral forecasts of the children and their apparently innocuous behavioral patterns....

Psychology of Twins

Twins can either be fraternal and identical. Whereas monozygotic twins have identical genetic sequence since they were fertilized from a single egg fraternal or dizygotic twins share fifty percent of genetic material but ate utterly different to the extent of finding a male and female. Thus studies have been postulated to discern how the similar genetic make up in monozygotic twins affect their relative life within a given environment so as to perceive if some character traits, diseases and behavioral...

Educational Philosophies

There are various educational philosophies used in modern education and in most of the schools the application of educational philosophy is either combined or circumstantial. I have studied in a school, which followed the philosophy of Essentialism. My educators seemed to be very rigid and disciplined, and expected the same from the students. We learned the basic subjects like math, science, history and languages. It encouraged academic competitions with regular tests and examinations. I always...

Study on Hamilton High Suicides

Behind the act of rage and worthlessness witnesses at Hamilton High, there is a large issue of mental illness in teens that needs to be urgently addressed.  After the unrelated suicides of four students that shook the Hamilton school and the surrounding community, school officials have come up with Character Day (Grant, 2007). This is a raw, emotional and truthful program that was set up to motivate students to open up when they felt pressured and they were prompted to ask for help when the...

Intimate Relationships Love Styles, Communication Styles and Happiness in the Hong Kong Context

Chapter 1 Introduction Relationships are important facets of human existence in fact, a healthy and positive interpersonal relationship is an indicator of positive adjustment and functioning (Fowler  Christakis, 2009). As social beings, people crave for relationships it satisfies the need for belongingness and love. There are several forms of relationships however, it is intimate relationships that each one of us yearns for. Intimate relationships are characterized by love, commitment and...

Abnormal Psychology

The branch of psychology that deals with abnormal behaviors is abnormal psychology. Definition of abnormal behaviors has proved to be very difficult in the past. It has changed drastically over the course of human history. In order to understand abnormal behavior, one must first understand the meaning of the term abnormal. The term abnormal simply means deviation from the norm. Something is considered normal or abnormal due to the way it is taken by the community. What a certain community regards...
The major focus of this study is to explore the enculturation of shame into the western society. The way western society views shameful acts evolved considerably over a period of time. The study tries to investigate the evolution of shame in western society and the resultant methods of discipline. The study elaborates on the relationship between shame and the avoidance personality disorder. The study also touches on several shameful acts experienced in the western nations today and how society and...