Liberation from the Veil of Ignorance Assessing the Claim to Corporate Social Responsibility

The society is a complex web of individuals. And knowing that there are lots of players within a society, it is vague to pinpoint who upholds their social responsibility. To whom is social responsibility geared towards In alleviating poverty, or helping the differentlyabled Will corporations prioritize the environment over profiteeringdespite aiming to provide more jobs

Milton Friedman stated that the social responsibility of business is to make profits (Makower, 2006). But adding the words social responsibility imply that making profit is not the end-all and be-all of the businessthat there is a goal beyond gaining a profit. And more importantly, the theory here is that the success of an enterprise is the success of the society. Because as the corporations continually expand operations and increase their profit margin, the community is also benefiting from it (Stephenson, 2009). He also said that the linkages between business and society will grow stronger, tighter and even more vital to both corporate success and social prosperity.

Corporate social responsibility, therefore, is a myth (Corporate Watch, 2006). This corporate obligation is part of the commodity market the act of goodwill by donating money to charitable institutions and funding feeding programs is only a means of making a better name for the company. It is done to gain the approval of upright people in the community who may be enticed to join the companys workforce. It is done to gain favorable impression from check and balance mechanisms of the government. It is done to cut down the otherwise hefty corporate tax that will be required by the government. And by donating it instead of paying corporate taxes and letting the government improve the social services in the community, the commercial entity is able to use the money to make itself look nobler (Williams, 2007).


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