Biopsychosocial Perspective

A new clinical perspective has been implemented in the field of psychology.  Clinicians have joined forces with medical professionals in order to begin assessing patients more thoroughly by using a biopsychosocial model. The biopsychosocial perspective believes in the total health of an individual.  The bio part indicates good health, the psycho part indicates good state of being, and the social part relates to a good quality of life (Lakhan, 2006).  Psychologists use this model to better explain psychological disorders by including any medical conditions and social influences.  By including a medical assessment and a report on any life stressors that may have contributing factors, the clinician is more apt to make an informed and accurate psychological diagnosis.
The use of the biopsychosocial perspective will serve to enhance the way patients are treated for psychological conditions.  A biopsychosocial assessment may determine an existing medical condition that had not been revealed before.  The treating clinician may find that the patient has a mental disorder, but the patient may also be advised of a medical condition that needs to be addressed as well.  The clinician would then be able to give the patient the necessary referrals in order to pursue treatment for the medical condition.  Patients are very involved in the formulation of a treatment plan under this model.  It is through this model that the patient and the clinician are able to maintain a good rapport.  The biopsychosocial perspective allows for psychological professionals to treat medical conditions in conjunction with psychological disorders that may be congruent with the patients lifestyle and habits (Myers, 2004).  This is the new face of psychology and medicine.


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