Stress distress to living

These two websites  HYPERLINK and  HYPERLINK  provide good solutions to cope with stress.  Modern hurried lifestyles has paved the way to stress and related diseases. Stress means some negative incidents that happen in our life.

Coping strategies in both the sites
The sites offer useful tips to overcome stress. The solution to stress management is more or less similar. They offer variety of solutions. The explanations to varied stress related issues are handled well. The simple language opted by them is laudable. The website offers tips to reduce stress by heart to heart talking and relaxing with soothing music and regular exercises. Whereas talks about ways of reducing stress or managing stress by meditating, physical exercise, yoga, Pilates and the like.

Likes and dislikes about the sites
The approach is simple and easy to understand. The navigation to topics is accessible and the solutions are given with proper headings and with bulleted points. The has all the details on stress management but they are very much descriptive, too long to read.

Coping Stress after a Divorce Solutions
Divorce is a painful end of any marriage. No matter for what reasons the couples spilt, but they end up very sadly. The couples shared dreams and commitments come to a sudden halt. The and the sites have similar views, they both suggests various ways to distract the affected persons minds with change in lifestyle and introduction of new friends and activities

Cope stress by making proper decisions at work place or home. Get organised first. Plan your activities. See to it that you complete the task you have planned. Do not get excited if the task fails. Avoid procrastination. Overcome it by doing the job at the targeted time. Make the list of things you are going to do or assigned to do. Do not commit for tasks which you will be unable to finish in time. An excellent team worker will delegate the jobs equally to every team mate to complete the task in time. Just proper planning and execution is enough. Have a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Meditation keeps the body and mind relaxed. Be happy and smile always.

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
Motivation is passing on positive energy into us to do a task faster and better. Everyone needs motivation during crises or stress. It is said to be intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation comes from within you. This comes out mostly due to ego or thirst to finish or achieve something. This generally satisfies individuals more than anything else. (pg 5 Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior, By Edward L.Deci, Richard M. Ryan)

Intrinsic or extrinsic, both the type of motivation is needed in every individuals life.
Intrinsic motivation made me a winner when I was fighting for an A grade at schools in all the final exams. I was determined to get that first grade to remain at the top always. Extrinsic motivation became a necessity when I attended my first interview at campus. The motivation I received from my parents and well wishers got me a rewarding career in a competent company.
Intrinsic motivation made me a satisfactory person more than the extrinsic motivation I got from near ones for a job. Job becomes a necessity for a living. But then the race is for achieving targets for more pay or promotions and to stay in the company. This becomes a stress at the later stage. The company motivates people with more and more incentives to achieve the targets and to increase the companys business. Finally intrinsic motivation takes a back seat, extrinsic motivation becomes the reality.


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