Methods through Which People Have Altered Their Consciousness

Since time immemorial, people have used various methods to alter the normal physiological function of their bodies.  HYPERLINK httpen.wikipedia.orgwikiAltered_state_of_consciousness l cite_ref-pmid12006123_0-0 Bundzen, Korotkov, and Unestahl (2002) described altered state of consciousness as, any condition which is significantly different from a normal waking beta wave state (p.153-165). This induced alertness interferes with the Central Nervous System (CNS) to render an artificial alertness (referred to as high) and is mostly done by use of chemicals-drugs. However, with advances in technology, specifically designed machines have been developed for instance dream machines and binaural beats that induces waves of different frequencies into someones brains. The use andtrading in most widely-used drugs is outlawed by authorities almost worldwide and people therefore deal in them secretly.

Nevertheless, from the societys point of view, a handful of drugs such as alcohol, cigarettes and khat are perceived not to be harmful and therefore their use is legitimized. Besides, a range of benefits that drug users claim to derive, there are couple of adverse psychological effects (positive and negative), stipulated later in this document, that haunts people users. The only state of altered consciousness recognized, is only when one is put on medication by a medical doctor -anesthesia and other side effects that result on taking prescribed drugs (such as drowsiness). Today, increased case of diseases like liver cirrhosis, lung cancer, crime and sexually transmitted diseases among others, is being attributed to high level of intake of these drugs. Although people are aware of the drug effects, they however use them to lessen anxiety andor induce a high state of mental alertness that allows sleep at ease and relaxation that they value in their as a way of life.

As earlier stated, drugs are the most common means in which people alter their consciousness. Andrew (2010) is his report on drug abuse, put psychoactive drugs into categories that included
Alcohol, classified as seductive, that gives its user a sense of relaxation and increases socialization with other members of the society. The report further states that consumption of alcohol over a long period of time leads to addiction and in the long term it is associated with long term damage of brain and liver.

Narcotics such as morphine and heroin are perceived by users to modify the secondary reception of sensory stimuli and aid them not to perceive pain as when in normal conscious. Problems associated with them includes among others, hepatitis, crime and mental deterioration.

Amphetamines and cocaine that arouses the bodys nervous system and interferes with release of hunger-stimulating hormones in the hypothalamus center in the brain. Advanced consumption may lead to malnutrition because one loses appetite.

Toxins and anesthetics include substances such as glue plus other solvents that inhaled into the respiratory system. The report states that most of these petroleum distillates are highly toxic to the liver if somebody is also taking alcohol. Anesthetics include chemical substances such as ether and ethanol.

Severe brain damage has been associated related to over-consumption of drugs mentioned above because they directly stimulate the central nervous system. In addition to the above, other artificial methods for altering consciousness include

Meditation which comprises of techniques involving focusing attention on an object, a word, breathing or body movement in order to block out distractions (Wood et al., 2001, p.111-142). Body movements include whirling around to experience dizziness and choking someones neck to cause fainting.

Dream machines triggers a near state of drowsiness when they are looked at. The do so by releasing flashes that stimulate optic nerves in the eyes and creating waves in the brains.

Sleep deprivation is another way that people apply. In most case it is induced by taking highly concentrated drink containing caffeine. Then, hallucinations are experienced for a period of at least 48 hours.

Lucid dreaming involves dreaming while being aware of what you are doing. Therefore one is able to manage the content of the dream. This type of dreaming robs you the natural conscious.

To conclusively give an opinion on whether the process of altering consciousness is necessary or not is relative. The reason being that though people witness cases in which some of them suffer from adverse health complications, they still continue to take these drugs. It also depends on the purpose for which one is doing it. If it is done as a means andor in the process of treating (for instance in hospitals for the purpose of depressing pain) a person, then I would recommend it.  A number of alcohol, cigarette, and khat victims among others, still continue to be on drugs even if they are advised by medical doctors to stop the habit and this depicts varied perceptions among individuals. All type of chemical substances has drastic effects on the bodys health. Users of hard drugs like heroin and cocaine becomes addicted and as a result, a number of them suffer from mental complications, sexually transmitted diseases AIDS and chronic diseases liver cirrhosis. Besides, this constrains them financially when they seek medical attention in hospitals andor in rehabilitation centers.  


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