How Do Men And Women Differ In Their Approach And Expectations To Love And Relationships

No one can deny that men and women are different from one another. This difference goes beyond the physical aspects and incorporates the biological, cultural, and emotionalpsychological aspects of the two genders. Understanding the differences in the two genders is the first crucial step towards finding a harmonious co-existence between the two sexes. Men and women are meant to live together thus the differences that they exhibit should be viewed as a source of strength in developing strong relationship between the two genders.

From the inception of time men and women have worked hard to understand each other but each gender has yet to proclaim a comprehensive knowledge of each other. The two genders have profound differences but an approach towards the understanding of the differences with an open and spirited effort to understand each side would likely yield positive results. To understand the opposite sex is something that shall remain perpetual but still categorizing the two genders differently shall amount to over-implication of the matter. Though some individuals have claimed that men and women are usually from different planets, the reality remains that these two genders are all from the Earth. For many years, the difference between men and women has been based upon social definition and mostly distorted through sexist connotations where upon men have assumed the superior position in virtually all societal matters at the expense of the women (Conner, 2000).

This paper shall zero in on the love and relationship aspect between the two genders and will in particular take a look at how men and women differ in their approach and expectations to love and relationships.

Love and Relationships
Love and relationship are very delicate concepts and they are quite complicated to understand. In order to be able to understand the differences between the two genders, there is need for us to understand the interests of both sexes and how different they are to each other. It is equally important to understand what each of the two sexes do in an effort to relieve stress and solve problems in their lives. In a relationship, the two sexes approaches to issues differently and therefore there is need to understanding the source of this difference.

Key Differences
Dr. John Gray came up with the book entitled that Men are from Mars Women are from Venus and indicated that women are generally interested in people and feelings, while men are interested in objects and things, (Hoffman, 2007, para 2). He also noted that men feel loved when they are trusted, accepted, and appreciated whereas women feel loved when they are cared for, understood, and respected. When the two genders when exposed to stressful conditions, they behave differently. Men would usually withdraw to their caves in order to find a solution to their problems whereas women will talk about their problems in an open manner (Hoffman, 2007). A mans self esteem has some direct connections with the need of feeling capable of solving the problem at hand. On the contrary, the women will feel the need to share her feelings with the men but only after some assurance of safety. When it comes to sexual matters, women are said to link sex with love whereas men separates the two concepts thus the two genders have a different explanations regarding the sexual relations (Hughes, Morrison  Asada, 2005). Women are said to be emotional in a relationship whereas men respond to the love emotions through respect and sex (Ethel, 2008).

Though there are profound differences between men and women, there is need to understand these differences so as to allow couples to be more effective in getting what they want in a relationship. Harmonious relations especially love relations are crucial for stress reduction in the lives of humans. There is therefore the need for us to discover new ways of communicating to maintain harmonious relationships. Both men and women, though different can still work in harmony with one another through appreciation and understanding of each others differences.


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