We are all connected

This quote is found in a story about a man whose name is Eddy and this story begins at the end, with Eddy dying in the sun. The phrase, we are all connectedYou can no more separate one life from another than you can separate breeze from the wind means that the soul frequently floats above the moment of goodbye, clinging to ceilings in hospital rooms or hovering over cars at the highways. This happens to people who get a second chance in life and for some reason continue with their place in the world. In this story, Eddie appeared that he was not getting another second chance and thus he did not continue with his place in the world.

This quote also means that everyone is connected either while still living in the world and even in the after life. Strangers are family it is just that people do not know them well. Therefore, people should learn to love each other and unite with each other rather than divide, as one cannot separate one life from another, as we are all equal even in the eyes of the Almighty. Additionally, all people are all connected as they are all part of the human community, thus because of this people must recognize the fact that it is quite critical for people to help and work with each other as they need each other to survive in one way or another.

Despite the differences that people have with each other there are still many things that people share in common. This is because more things unite people rather than divide them. For example, different ideologies are one reason that separate people but anguish and dreams often bring people together. Furthermore, people are all connected when they come together in a spirit of understanding and in respecting the perceptiveness of other people (Albom, 2003).


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