The Present View on Cultural Diversity

The peoples viewpoint on cultural diversity  had undergone a massive change from it being a stagnant idea into an efficient and a competitive one. Workplace diversity is characterized by  the differences of the employees  working in a given company. Diversity, not only in gender, age but also in culture especially in a work force is indeed one of the challenging problems that the management faces, and thus, it is their role to formulate effective strategies to cope with this dilemma.

Nowadays, many companies all over the globe had been successful in adapting cultural diversity on their system. They believe that the diversity brought about by the differences on their work group are more of an asset than a liability to their businesses. Workplace diversity for them helps improve organizational performance and brings balance into their works.

Companies which gained interest in workplace diversity and had proven it to be an effective practice applies ways by which they are able to handle the negative aspects of this idea. Some of the methods that they carry out includes proper understanding of their employees beliefs and traditions.  They also showed patience in teaching their employees the things that they have to know in order to work properly and efficiently.

Now, in the case of Amber, a 35-year old woman who migrated in the USA from Nigeria and was able to finished her law studies and soon sort of changed her identity who later felt discriminated by her fellow Nigerian after, it is quite normal for her fellow Nigerian to act like that  since initially, they would have thought of Amber as a trying-hard one. They would have probably thought that Amber is ashamed of her real nationality or of the place where she came from because she even dyed her hair blonde and adapt an American name and we cannot blame them for thinking like that. The only way for Amber to resolve her problem of loneliness and the feeling of being discriminated is for her to accept that things change, that she needs  to open herself to new perspectives without cutting her ties among the people whom she initially called as friends. As for her workmates, they must also be able to recognize their differences from each other in a positive view. After all, they have the same goals as Ambers especially now that they are working in one place and in one company.


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